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RE: City Life From A Distance The Best Place For Jerry - Esquimalt Lagoon, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦

in #photography5 years ago

@solominer Is Luci a rescue also?

Jerry when we first got him was afraid of the wilderness around here, he came from Mexico, wish I was into recording stuff back then his reactions to things like long grass and the new plants was priceless! Lots of reassurance later and now he’s a hunter and that fear has turned to being inquisitive attention!

City’s have never been good for him, just was toooooo much going on you can see his anxiety start to build. Which with his developing confidence means he becomes a little protective and defensive in anxiety filled situations. Never had any major issues but that is because when walking in crowds he has my full attention, constant reassurance, and a pocket full of treats 😅

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@d00k13 technically she would be a rescue, yes. Someone could not care for her anymore and @activate.alpha wanted a dog so it worked out for her. The dog was neglected so now shes a very happy dog getting way more attention with us than she got with the previous owners. Yeah the city just has too much going on for nervous dogs, but positive reenforcement can go a long way.

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Ahhh yea that is like our late dog Meesha, rest her soul. She was adopted from the previous owners by my fiancé Mel, still have the same psychological effect on dogs. Meesha had all sorts of issues from neglect and a fear of being locked up. She had chewed her way through several doors 😳 we learned she is happier in the car than an home.

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