Photos of a Kyosho Mini-Z 1:27 AWD Audi R8 LMS RC Car

Since apparently there is not much interest yet on Steemit in RC cars, I think it is time to share some more photos of smaller scale RC cars, before continuing with more serious posts. If you have missed my new series about RC cars (maybe RC models in general at a later time) you can find them here: Electric RC cars basics and Fuel-powered RC cars basics. They got exactly ZERO comments on both and I rarely get a post without at least one comment lately... talk about big interest. So here you go a few more photos of the Kyosho Mini-Z 1:27 scale electric RC cars instead of going and writing another large post about RC cars...

The car you see on the photos is a Kyosho Mini-Z 1:27 MA-010 AWD chassis with a custom painted Audi R8 LMS body that I have painted myself.

You can probably guess that I'm an Audi fan as I have posted photos of a few more RC cars with Audi R8 bodies...

There are factory painted and finished bodies for the Mini-Z RC cars, including Audi R8 LMS ones, but I do prefer to assemble and paint the body myself, it is more fun this way.

The base paint is a silver metallic one applied with a spray paint can, it worked pretty well, though the coating was a bit thicker than it would be ideal for keeping all the finer details. The rest is painted by hand with acrylic paint. Remember that these are pretty small RC cars.

Camera: Canon 5D2, 24-105mm F4 Lens
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