What's Down There?

in #photography6 years ago


Hello my dear friends and cats!

Tonight me Artax would like to share a couple photos of us from a while back. For some reason both of us are looking down in these pictures and I honestly cannot recall why? I was going to say that maybe there was some yummy food in the floor or a bug, but I don't think it was the case. Perhaps it was just those stupid humans trying to play with us like we're dummies and can't tell the difference between an actual prey and their stupid toys hahaha

ฅ⃛(⌯͒꒪ั ˑ̫ ꒪ั ⌯͒) ニャッ❣

Of course we know all the difference, duhh! Hey Artax what are you looking at?


Ahhh, nothing much, those humans are trying to mess with me again, it is okay though, I am going to pretend like I am super interested in what's going on and maybe try to smack those toys some, I might bite them too!


I like looking down too it's where all the action is!
I also like to chill, you know that sweet moment just before you nod off when you feel the heaviness of your eye lids collapsing......yes yes, that moment. Thank you for sharing my cool cats, meow

Yeah for sure chilling is where it's at! I think it might as well be my favorite thing to do. I love to lay around and I like to sleep a lot too.
I like your triple color fur coat, fancy!

You are both so different, but both so cute!

Thank you, but I must disagree. I am the cutest kitty and that orange one is not^^

Really cute cat. Nice photo

Yes, me good cat, meow!

beautiful cat...great photography

I am a beautiful kitty indeed, thank you^^

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