A World Falls Away — the Curve of the Horizon at Céide Fields

in #photography7 years ago


I like to feel small sometimes.

Traveling is one of the best ways to remind yourself that the universe is so much bigger than you; I firmly believe it's an admonition that we could all use more often. @aggroed and I were having a discussion about this yesterday, and it crossed my mind again this morning as I was sorting through photos looking for something to go with the mindfulness I am working on cultivating today. Whether you believe we're all an ephemeral experiment in advanced AI simulation, or just motes of star dust alighting on this cosmic plane, crisscrossing time, remember there is always more. More than you can see, more than you can feel, more life, and more wonder.


Imagine being here with me, for a second.


Often, for the sake of beautiful composition, I will correct the curve of the earth if it is captured, to highlight an interesting feature in the landscape, and create planes of view for the eye to follow. But here, something about standing with my toes over the cliffs on the edge of the world, watching it curve away into a potential forever — that, to me, is the stunning focal point of these vistas from the bluffs of Ireland. An ocean of possibilities... a vast blue that is both calm and tumultuous and larger by far than our minds and eyes can comprehend.


If you turn around, the strange and beautiful Céide reception center looms behind you, monolithic and unnatural. It's the perfect spot to practice feeling tiny. If you ever get to Ireland, drive the winding coast alongside the seemingly never ending expanse, and stop in the shadow of a gleaming pyramid to take it all in. I found myself lost in time, with the breeze in my hair and the sun on my face; the ageless ocean, ancient ruins, futuristic palace of glass, vehicles rocketing past with no concept of the incredible juxtaposition waiting there in the fields.



map link

I hope you get a chance to get lost soon, too.


All of these photos are my own, taken on my travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours.
I hope you like them.


Breathtaking vistas Red. We often forget how expansive life, love and learning can be when we're crammed into our work-a-day world. This is truly a perspective few think of even when viewing such photos. Your words help the cause.

Looking at these I'm reminded how long it's been since I visited Cathedral Grove and Sombreo Beach here on the island. I'll be sure to make it a point when I go salmon fishing this fall. oxo

I have friends on the island that say both of those places are transcendent. They are absolutely on my list to see~ 😊

I'm sure you know enough to not leave it too long...and to bring your camera. };-)>

This combination of wonderfully expansive photographs with beautiful writing hit me in all the right ways! You're right--- there is always more. More to learn, more to see, more to become, more to love, and more to experience. What an awesome aspect of life, one that often terrifies. You teleported me back to the primordial celtic magic of Ireland with this post and for that I thank you. Once I get the chance to visit Europe I'll remember to find places where I can practice feeling tiny... in the best way possible :)

P.S. Would you mind if I used some of these photos in a poem? Of course I would give you credit and put a link to this article!

@d-pend, thank you for being you~ I love that you're thinking about it. I believe it is an effective way to take the edge off of and power away from that innate fear we have that you mention... embrace it, and try to look at it in a comforting and inspiring way instead. Being small means there is room for all of us out there.

Go ahead and use anything you like from my blog; a credit link would be nice, but just attribution is fine. :)

Appreciated the request for the credit link. It allowed me to find you!

well, I appreciate you visiting! 😊

me too, although I certainly had already had the pleasure of knowing @crimsonclad

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 1.26 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @zeartul.

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 9.23 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @fuzztone. Vote for Aggroed!

@fuzztone you are a gentleman and a scholar, who also just squirted me right in the face with your love juice.

This comment has received a 60.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @aggroed.

I done got sprayed!

This is magnificent. If I hadn't already given out the Best of Steemit award for photography--or maybe for all nonfiction--I would give it to you. Tomorrow, absolutely.

thanks for stopping in to say so... It means a lot, truly. My posting rate has slowed down a bit while I'm working on building some tools for the community, but I hope to keep sharing some beautiful photos and thoughtful words a few times a week as long as possible, and ramp back up sooner rather than later.

I appreciate you~

I'll be watching. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to all you've got up your sleeve.

I love this post @crimsonclad even if I only need to go out into the night sky to feel small enough.

Do it every night so as to not forget.

I don't travel, but I do love going somewhere else to live and staying there. it's sorta different. More immersive to me, and I have never had a budget for travel.

Just once, to the other side of this ball, and here I am still.

Not too far from these views, so should try and get there at some point.

great post

big hugs

just getting back here and catching up , finally. I've never lived anywhere but here, but I think both types of experiences make you more mindful <3

I love finding isolated parts of the world - even if it's in the middle of a big city - and seeing the still, calm beauty there. Ireland, I will see you someday!

Wicked pictures babe sorry I got here too late to vote you up, I'm off to check your newer stuff.

Wonderful pictures and words. I was there last year in september and it was awesome! You my friend find good words to describe this special place! Upvoted and following :)

wonderful! did you drive around much, or hang out in one place?!

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