My Love For Clouds

in #photography7 years ago


**Looking up in the sky always brings me peace, humbleness and appreciation for all around me and all I have. This photo was taken in the morning as the sun started rising and breaking through the clouds. **


You often hear me in either my posts or comments say how much I appreciate the beauty of the clouds, so I decided to share some of my photos with you from my collection taken over the past 4 months. They do not give justice to the true beauty we experience every morning on our way to school or in the evening from school. This one was taken during sunset. I loved the warmth on the horizon and these dark little clouds just floating by.


Another beautiful sunset colouring the clouds, this is at a little playground opposite our grocery store.


These clouds hanging over my house made me think of that saying “Every cloud has a silver lining”, reminding me that I should never feel hopeless as difficult times are there to shape you and make you appreciate what you have even more.


Once again, a breath-taking sunset taking place in front of my house. Look at the shape of the clouds and the touch of colour provided by the sun.


This was taken 5:45 in the morning. Unfortunately we were not high enough to take an even better photo of the sun rising and the beautiful warmth it created laying over the horizon in the distance.


Often when we arrive home, we sit in our garden and admire this view before going into the house. When I see colors like these, I wish I had artistic talent to capture this on a canvas.


Another Beautiful sunrise and look at this stipe the clouds form over it.


I love it when the last rays of the day falls on a cloud formation like this, the entire sky around us was covered.


This photo by far is my favorite. This was taken during a sunrise. Look at the clouds and the different colours painted by the sun on it. My heart feels like it wants to burst with love for this beauty.


Last but not least, I always appreciate how fast the clouds move when building up a storm. What strike me on this day was the smaller white clouds further away over the dark grey ones.

All photos taken with a Samsung Galaxy A3

Keep loving, smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!


Your pictures of the skies are just wonderful. It is always great to capture the beauty of nature. Most of us don't always see the beauty around us because we are so busy or in our routines. Thank-you for sharing these wonderful moments!

Thank you for your lovely comment cabbagepatch. My daughter of 14 years old and I share this love, so often when we see something beautiful, I will stop next to the road and she will take the photo's for me.

I've always had a fascination with clouds as well. When I try to get into a comfortable rest I think about sleeping on the clouds. They look so peaceful and welcoming and I love getting the window seat on a flight to look at them.

Thank you so much for this tip kontora. I have never thought of doing this during my sleepless nights. Will definitely try it out.

Nice pictures, following you now :)

Thank you very much mkdmrs for your kindness and support.

you've captured some great images

Thank you dune69, I was hoping that my audience will appreciate them as much as I do.

Mee too @crazymumzysa i love the clouds i also took some pictures on my phone

That is great howie, you must share the beauty that surrounds you with us. Looking forward to your post.

Thank you so much :)

Lovely. 2nd ones is a bit like my last post but I had to make it black and white for the entry. Maybe you can consider too. :-)

Thank you my dearest friend ace108. I saw the monochrome photo challenge on Mondays and will join if I have a photo that is worthy.

You're welcome though that's a different one. I was referring this one:

Thank you for sharing this information with me ace108, I truly appreciate all your guidance and support. Will look into it.

You're welcome

Friend your caption is showing your love towards nature. This piece of nature really full of awesomeness. Your artisitic acumen is highly appreciated in your diverce dexterity of goodness.
Really like this writing and pic.....Sunset picture is awesome.... @crazymumzysa Nice work....

Nature are spectacular

Very true bernadette. You are staying in such a beautiful part of our country. Please post plenty of photos of the sea and your flora. Thanks, will be on the look out.

I will do thank you. To be living at the coast is a privilege, and on top of that it alwsys stay green.

Gosh I loved this one

Clouds are fun! Not only are they cool looking, they are weather indicators.

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