sunsets are the sky's heart

in #photography7 years ago

ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in

~ Leonard Cohen

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Sunset at Bayfront Park, Hamilton, Ontario

photos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lenses 18mm-50mm |50mm-200mm
Adobe LightRoom

© 2017, all rights reserved


Your quote from Leonard Cohen strongly reminds me of a song by Sara Groves:

When you hear it, you'll understand...

BTW, I love Leonard Cohen... :D



Oh I love her voice....I'll have to listen to more of her singing. Thanks for the link!

Bayfront Park looks like a great place for a picnic - probably not right now though. :)

That's for sure. Maybe on a warmer day - the snow is okay but this blustery cold makes it difficult to breathe.

What a beautiful place, @countrygirl :) I immediately imagined myself sitting on the bench right there, gazing at the sky, and having a bottle of brown ale.

By the way, what are then sunrises?

A sunrise is the new light shining in a dark place - the morning star rising in your heart.

I could totally picture you sipping your brown ale and writing your review while sitting on the bench. It's a beautiful park - one that I need to go to again. Maybe capture some winter shots - but it's way too cold out - we are having record temperatures. It's -21C right now and probably going to -30C tonight. Brrrrrrrrr and windy which makes it colder.

Yeah, I heard about the record low temperatures in Canada ⛄ How are you coping with the cold weather? By the way, we are having one of the warmest winters ever (so far) with temperatures over 10C:

Nice warm and balmy temperatures you have! It's getting colder here and will be like this for a while. Our poor dog wants to go out for a walk but we have to be careful bc her feet could get frost bitten. She hasn't been for a walk in a couple of days - we let her run around the yard for a bit but that's it.

The wind makes it worse. It's gusting up to 50km today.

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Oh, jeez 😒 poor dog. I hope it doesn't continue too long.

Nice shots, Sunsets are awesome.

I love sunsets, they never get old.


I think we are going to miss Leonard Cohen very much. Beautiful photos!

Yes for sure. His poetry was beautiful as some of his songs - although he tended to be a tad maudlin. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

Maybe maudlin, but that voice!

I never thought about it that way. There always needs to be a nice sunset to end the perfect day. Lovely pictures you posted to go along with that thought too :).

Glad you enjoyed them @snrm. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

Beautiful photos in changing light - the water mirror's the sky's solemnity.
A beautiful quote to set it off. Lovely

Thank you for your poetical comments.

What a beautiful setting!

Thanks @debralee! It is a beautiful lakefront park.

No snow yet? Or was that taken earlier in the year? I do see bare trees!

Oh my goodness yes....we have snow, too much snow and freezing temperatures. The photos were taken about a month ago.

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