The absent minded photographer!

in #photography7 years ago

The absent minded photographer!

Hey up Steemit folks!

I'm back all though I haven't been gone for as long as you think.

I had been debating on how I was going to go about working on and building up my page so that it added some quality to the community on this platform.

I visited Germany for Christmas to spend time with my big brother ( convos with him always clear my mind and allow me to re-focus my thoughts)

After spending some quality time with him and my niece near Hannover I jumped on a train to spend New years with some truly good friends in Berlin.

2016 was a busy and tough year mentally due to an injury (from next to nothing may I add) which I sustained defending a sweep in someone's guard in Bjj. I had lost a lot of momentum feeling sorry for myself and how my main goal for that year of earning my purple belt or at least making strides towards it by getting in as many comps as possibly. I stayed focused on my 9-5 but let my personal goals go by the way side due to one blip (so not like me but the universe demands we adapt or perish).

Due to my mood I had decided that just like the song from the movie frozen I would let it go and let the Infinite energy guide me.

I then bumped into @nanzo-scoop who put me on to this site.

I jumped on believing my creative juices would just oose out all over the place and I would be a Steemit icon by January 2017 (loool no really) I had written a few unconnected blogs and just lost interest.

That was it my reign was over (Did you even notice me?)

So whilst In Germany amongst the loving big brother and the positive friends I started to think about how I could bring a little bit of passion back in my life without relying on a combat sport (Just in case I picked up another injury that kept me out most of the year again )

So after back tracking over my 36 years at the time on this earth the word photography came to my head.

The question was to shoot what?

How could I justify spending decent money on a proper camera on something I may loose interest in In a few months or so?

I had to think about this one properly!

It actually didn't take long once I was in the right mind frame as I knew I didn't want to shoot landscapes, portraits, or architecture long term. It hat to fit the Colossus39 criteria!

Something I've enjoyed for a long time.

Can involve travelling.

And something I can still fit in during busy periods of work and personal life.

The choice I made was to shoot graffiti!

From this decision Hardgraff39 was born!

Hardgraff39 is a project focused on giving graffiti as an art more exposure and to highlight its contribution to the beauty of our cities worldwide wide whilst also digging in to the mind of a graffiti artist.

Hardgraff39 has been up and running since February 2017 and has 10 projects under the belt with 3 of those working with artist (American, British and Ukrainian) and 2 successful international shoots (Sweden & Japan).
All shots taken for this project are taken under the Terty9 Photography banner which runs independently as well. Both pages can be found on Instagram but only on Steemit can you get the full inside scoop with side notes as well as visuals.

I had started a separate account for Steemit but lost my password :( which prompted me to believe the universe wanted Colossus39 to hold all of this on his shoulders!

Well universe thy will be done!

So if you are in to art, photography, Martial arts, the odd deep universal thought then stick around for the ride!

It's gonna be a gooden ;)

Due to my absent mindedness I will be running the last project from my lost password page on here at a later date.

We will be kicking off on Friday 22/09/17 with two projects side by side for this re-launch!

And it's only right that I give you guys both Japan projects together (Terty9 Photography & Hardgraff39) for your first taste!

All I can say is you are all in for a treat ;)
The absent minded photographer!

Hey up Steemit folks!

I'm back all though I haven't been gone for as long as you think.

I had been debating on how I was going to go about working on and building up my page so that it added some quality to the community on this platform.

I visited Germany for Christmas to spend time with my big brother ( convos with him always clear my mind and allow me to re-focus my thoughts)

After spending some quality time with him and my niece near Hannover I jumped on a train to spend New years with some truly good friends in Berlin.

2016 was a busy and tough year mentally due to an injury (from next to nothing may I add) which I sustained defending a sweep in someone's guard in Bjj. I had lost a lot of momentum feeling sorry for myself and how my main goal for that year of earning my purple belt or at least making strides towards it by getting in as many comps as possibly. I stayed focused on my 9-5 but let my personal goals go by the way side due to one blip (so not like me but the universe demands we adapt or perish).

Due to my mood I had decided that just like the song from the movie frozen I would let it go and let the Infinite energy guide me.

I then bumped into @nanzo-scoop who put me on to this site.

I jumped on believing my creative juices would just oose out all over the place and I would be a Steemit icon by January 2017 (loool no really) I had written a few unconnected blogs and just lost interest.

That was it my reign was over (Did you even notice me?)

So whilst In Germany amongst the loving big brother and the positive friends I started to think about how I could bring a little bit of passion back in my life without relying on a combat sport (Just in case I picked up another injury that kept me out most of the year again )

So after back tracking over my 36 years at the time on this earth the word photography came to my head.

The question was to shoot what?

How could I justify spending decent money on a proper camera on something I may loose interest in In a few months or so?

I had to think about this one properly!

It actually didn't take long once I was in the right mind frame as I knew I didn't want to shoot landscapes, portraits, or architecture long term. It hat to fit the Colossus criteria!

Something I've enjoyed for a long time.

Can involve travelling.

And something I can still fit in during busy periods of work and personal life.

The choice I made was to shoot graffiti!

From this decision Hardgraff39 was born!

Hardgraff39 is a project focused on giving graffiti as an art more exposure and to highlight its contribution to the beauty of our cities worldwide wide whilst also digging in to the mind of a graffiti artist.

Hardgraff39 has been up and running since February 2017 and has 10 projects under the belt with 3 of those working with artist (American, British and Ukrainian) and 2 successful international shoots (Sweden & Japan).
All shots taken for this project are taken under the Terty9 Photography banner which runs independently as well. Both ages can be found on Instagram but only on Steemit can you get the full inside scoop with side notes as well as visuals.

I had started a separate account for Steemit but lost my password :( which prompted me to believe the universe wanted Colossus39 to hold all on his shoulders!

Well universe thy will be done!

So if you are in to art, photography, Martial arts, the odd deep universal thought then stick around for the ride!

It's gonna be a gooden ;)

Due to my absent mindedness I will be running the last project on here at a later date.

We will be kicking off on Friday 22/09/17 two projects side by side for this re-launch!

And it's only right that I give you guys both Japan projects together (Terty9 Photography & Hardgraff39) for your first taste!

All I can say is you are all in for a treat ;)

See You guys Friday!

Colossus39 out!



Beautiful place in the photo its seems that the city is too cool

@cityboy it was absolutely amazing! This spot is the famous Shibuya crossing. I can't speak highly enough about this place!

Respects @nanzo-scoop you're gonna love these ;)

So good you posted the content twice! Good to see you blogging again!

best wishes for you and your come back. I recently just joined steemit but I also find myself losing interest in projects. @cleverbot wish him best wishes.

Pi equals 3.1415.

Cheers @blockgators I think I've found the right thing for me now. Having so much fun with the camera and the different project's I can do keep it interesting. Just done a small write up on some whisky tasting! I was there to take pics of some graffiti at the venue and got ropped in to tasting whisky!!! Woe is me loool

whats up with the double post bro? hehe anyways, i enjoyed reading this blog. I can definitely feel your enthusiasm and passion just by the way you write.

I've been having issues uploading pics via the tablet I've been using! Then tried Steepshot! And that for some reason only allowed me to upload 4 pics? My phone seems to be the easiest and only one that is consistent loool. Hoping they get an app that functions a bit better as I transfer my pics from my camera to tablet. Thanls for taking the time to read through and hope you enjoy the projects! ;)

Yeah hopefully they will. You're welcome bro!

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