Bonsai Coastal Redwood - How Long Can I Keep Up This Charade?

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I went to Muir Woods in 2012 and bought one of those touristy Grow a Giant Sequoia Tree Kits from the gift store where you attempt to grow a 300 foot tree from a seed 😱 Needless to say, it didn't work out too well.

Shortly thereafter, I guess my daughter felt bad for me and actually bought me a small potted Coastal Redwood. It was maybe about 8 or 10 inches tall.

Four years later and it's now 4.5 feet tall with about a 1-inch diameter trunk. I've been keeping it outside during the late spring and summer months and bringing it inside for the rest of the year. These things need alot of water and they like to be misted as well.

Coastal redwoods typically thrive at elevations of a few thousand feet in areas where mist often blows onshore from the ocean. One of the reasons they can grow so tall is that they consume water both through their root system and up high through their vast array of needles. Kind of like "decentralized" watering.

I know very little about the art of bonsai, but I've tried to do basic pruning and also give it special bonsai fertilizer a few times a year.

So I wonder, how long can I keep up this charade?

All images @cognoscere (except the first one which is CC0 Public Domain)


Great post! Keep growing it!:)

Thanks, it's still doing well!!!

Looking forward for updates:D

Just one word : superb!

I love it! I've never heard of bonsai redwood before.

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