Morning flashback from my old good days :)

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Morning flashback from my old good days


Back when Boxing and coaching was my life! The thrill and excitement of seeing your student step into the cage or boxing ring is unlike any other! And to see them win is just the biggest joy. Months and months of hard-work, and it all boils down to a few rounds.

You can only hope that your fighter is not only psychically strong, but also mentally prepared to face his opponents an other unforeseen circumstances (slipping on sweat in the cage/ring) And yes, my student did win this fight as you can see by the utter joy on my face haha.

Of course, as I have mentioned in previous posts, I no longer coach the way I used too and that alright. To even look back on some of these photos and to be a part of my former students/fighters victory warms my heart till today.

I am still in touch with most of them and now only watch their career grow from a distance, but support for them will never die and I wish them all nothing but the best.


I suppose you were very involved in boxing

Great photo, it expresses a lot of emotions

Have a nice day :)

You must have been very proud of your students

I will follow you closely, this account seems quite interesting, just a little break from crypto and blockchain :)

Now you are a kind of cryptocurrency coach haha ;)

Are you still training boxing?

I suppose that you show them your support as much as to us here on steemit :)

Great and interesting article

I was not aware that you have also second account :)

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