It's Snowing in Washington D.C. -Snowstorm 2017- RVA- A Tree fell on my Van!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

2017-12-08 21.06.15.jpg

Hello there winter!! Hello snow! This morning I woke up to a tree crashing down on my van...or I should say my son Adil's van as it is his accessible van for his wheelchair. I have parked so close to the house as it is easy to get him in and out of the van. I was taking pictures from my window last night of how beautiful the snow was. I live in Richmond, VA in the USA and yesterday was driving near Washington D.C. yesterday when it began! I was picking up my daughter and we are driving back to RVA (Richmond, VA) with the snow coming down in a video clip below.

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When it started to snow I was driving on I-95 coming home from the Washington D.C. area. I got a short clip and my daughter was so happy it was snowing!

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Our landlord cutting the tree down into pieces, that was nice of him as the tree was actually in the neighbors yard.
It would be nice if I had full coverage for my van but I pay $79.00 for liability only, lol! Oh well, at least no one was hurt. I will make it up in Crypto trading, loooool!!

This is really short, just trying to get a good angle to place it, the next one shows them @ ty2nicerva cutting the tree, etc.

After we had our landlord help us with his chainsaw in the above video...time for sledding in the snow.....

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This was the snow last night, Friday night here in RVA (Richmond, VA). It was really pretty! I could only get a few shots from my window but it was so beautiful watching it come down! :-)
I have a new camera a Canon Rebel I got for my birthday, I'm still learning the night shots but you can see it here!

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This setting on the Canon Rebel says - No Flash- tripod is recommended. I did hold it but it came through! The others were blurry, it is a hard setting to hold. How can someone stay so still while holding the camera? I have seen Photographers in water shooting nature photographs of birds and such staying in the water, camouflage clothes on, waiting like a hunter for hours for a shot. It's incredible! I love nature but don't see how I could sit still for hours like that. Step 1. No more caffeine, lol!

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These power lines are all over, hanging really low to houses in neighborhoods near Downtown Richmond. This makes them especially vulnerable to old trees that fall down all throughout the year and more so during snow storms. I am so happy that the tree did not touch any power lines, then we would not of had electricity! With no fireplace it would of been impossible to stay here without heat. Also, I need my internet, this weekend is going to be a little crazy with crypto. Monday sounds like it is going to be a time for Bitcoin to take off further, we will see!

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This was the "Full Cold Moon" moon just a few days before the snow came on Dec. 3rd. It is was super moon! ! What a gorgeous moon, it was and I will do a post on that soon, it was a beautiful night! All photos are unedited with my Canon rebel.

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In the end, it is simply gorgeous! Snow is such a magical thing to me. You do need to have on proper winter gear for being outside in it, good boots, snow gloves and jumpsuit, coat are great for sledding! If not available just use plastic grocery store bags over your shoes and don't stay long out there, lol! It is fun though. Winter can be a warm time even though the temperature outside is freezing at times. Love everything around you, the seasons, the wildlife, people and animals. Try to smile at someone today, you may make a difference in someone's life by doing such a small act of kindness. You never know what some people are going through.

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Steem on!

Chris Love

Photographer-Mom-Crypto Enthusiast-Chef & Curb Your Enthusiasm Fan!

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My daughter Layla & I! :-)


My son Adil has the best smile in the world! :-) I wish he could of gotten out in the snow but he did get to watch it fall down with his enormous bedroom windows so that's great! I love these older houses, they are so big! The windows alone are literally 6 feet long. It's great! He can see everything! Older houses have so much character and style unlike others. I love them!


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One of my favorite movies, The Jerk! I love Steve Martin, the best thing in the world is to laugh!



Thanks so much! :-) Snow is beautiful but dangerous at times too!

Yikes! Thanks for taking us on a ride on the sled. Not fun to have a branch fall on the van!! Glad no one was hurt though.

Yes, I am glad no one was hurt. :-) That was a big hill, I was a little scared I might get hurt doing that, lol! It was fun though, you gotta live a little right, haha!

Lol - glad no one got either situation. :)

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