The story of my cat

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello community!

A big greeting to all who read my publications, I hope they are very well! Today I am going to dedicate it to my cat, Pepito, since he recently turned 4 years old being part of my family and I wanted to show you a little of the curious life of this feline ... Let's start! Pepito came to my life on March 23, 2014 and came a bit by chance and another little because we wanted a yellow cat, we really do not know what cat breed it is but what we do know is that we love it a lot.

4 years ago I participated in a dog walk called 5knino, it was 5 kilometers walking with your pet, this was done to earn funds for animals that are homeless, since in my country (Venezuela) it is very common to see many animals in condition street

once I finished the race I went to a street that was very visited by me since there was a kind of shelter for cats improvised by a lady and I liked to go and help her a little.

When I arrived at the place everything seemed normal until the lady told me that they had left 3 more cats and she showed them to me.

for my luck one of them was the beautiful yellow and hairy cat that I wanted, but Pepito did not come alone, he also came with two brothers similar to him but with different color, so I took him to the 3 with the hope of finding him a house to his brothers and that's how it was!

This was the first picture of Pepito, right on the street where I found it

From the beginning, Pepito was a very friendly cat, he always wanted to be with his human friends to the point of wanting to sleep with me or my parents all night.

my parents adopted him as a child and in fact they did things that they never did with me, he is the son they never had.

The name of pepito comes from the color of her hair since it looks like the yellow of a well-known Venezuelan snack.

His full name is Pepito Coccolino, a very Italian name for a cat !, although at home we say in many ways and as a good intelligent cat he attends all his calls.

Pepito has many different sounds and often speaks with me as a human more.

Since he was little he was always a sleeper, he just gets up to eat and go to the bathroom and immediately returns to one of his favorite beds ... (the whole house).

When he began to enter his adolescent stage many things changed in him such as the color of his eyes, they went from being blue to being mustard color, also his coat became a little reddish and also his character became stronger, still being a very tender cat but if you bother him a lot he bites you!

Pepito loves the Christmas season, when we decorate the house and put the tree pepito helps to get things inside the boxes, for he is like an amusement park!

Life with him has been very fun and see him grow up and be a happy cat, is my greatest satisfaction, if I had to describe Pepito in a few words is a cat very sleepy but a great companion, whenever you speak is there to listen ...

When you get home you can find it this way.

Recently Pepito suffered from kidney and liver disease and we thought we would not see it anymore, but with the help of many people and many doctors we were able to save him and now he is the same cat as before.

It's that simple life of a happy cat, for me it is very beautiful to have saved the life of this feline, since I had not survived alone in the street.

Do not forget to give love to your animals, I recommend that you adopt as this living being is going to thank you all your life!

#see you soon!


Pepito looks so cute, he is like those stuffed teddy bears:) I have a cat also and i believe it is an amazing experience to live with those animals:)

yes!!!! cats are great!!!

Cats are the best:) They are always a huge inspiration in my artwork:)


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