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RE: Where the heart is

in #photography6 years ago

Yes!!!! I learned from that same Journalism teacher everything I know about photography. We rolled our own film by hand in the dark. We developed the light-sensitive paper. We had to crop and size the image and keep it in focus as we developed. The chemicals and the process was HardCore! We didn't even have a color enlarger.... B&W only!

Now, anyone with cell phone can be a pro! In one way it's sad as the trade skill seems to be a lost art for many. In another way... it has opened the door to more "amateurs" in their ability to participate in photography. Technology can be a help and hinderance. I have very low quality material... but working the magic with pretty poor cameras compared to the average cell phone tech and pro cameras.... makes it a bit more gratifying to get a great capture of a moment in all of it's beauty!

Sometimes, I feel like I should have been born in our Grandparents or Parents era. I really enjoy the work ethic back then... even for "Amateur Hobbies!" I am going to make an extended post with the material... but here is a sneak peak of some photos I was taking JUST BEFORE READING THIS POST! (I haven't even seen how they turned out yet... so I am sharing first pick here!

Spring Spider.jpg
Taken with a Nikon CoolPix S4300.

I am almost Always impressed with your photo skills. I don't say that lightly either! I am pretty damn picky when it comes to photography and composition! Thanks for this sentiment and wonderful shots!
Keep On Steeming On My Friend!


My first ever camera was non digital and though I never developed photos, there is something to be said of taking pictures knowing there is going to be a cost involved to see the results and by that time, the cost wasn't small. I think it makes you more careful to set the shot and, more interested in developing the skills to get it 'right'.

With Great RISK... comes Great REWARD! Nothing Ventured... nothing Gained... I like to AD-Venture! I have way more bad photos than good ones! I miss my old metal Canon 35mm. The limitation of the number of shots you can get on a roll of film was critical. That hand rolling the film on a spool in the literal dark... (not a dark room) was the most nerve-racking process. One overlapped area of film would mess up the whole role of film. Gotta miss the good 'ol days!

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