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RE: A Time For Seeds

in #photography6 years ago

I'm so in awe of your photos and so envious, I'm not going to upvote. Ok, my upvote power is below 80% last I looked so there's that. Still. You got some fantastic close-ups! (And you like me must live in the Midwest, I'm thinking.)


Hi Carol! Yes ma'am (notice the apostrophe) I reside in the soon to be frozen state of Michigan :)

Oh man, another intrepid Midwesterner! In the novel “Miss Alice Merriwether’s Long Lost Cakes & Further Arcane Inducements to Wonder,” Barry Aitchison (R.I.P.) tells us Mensa wouldn’t trawl for members in the small-town Midwest, but the "permanently stunned look" that causes Midwesterners to appear stupid was “earned.” Settlers of the Great Plains "endured the worst weather nature can whip up," such as the blizzard of 1888, 40-below-zero winters, hot, arid summers, prairie fires, grasshopper plagues, dust storms, floods and tornadoes. "Wouldn't all that be enough to make your face look like you were expecting the next disaster to come along any minute?” ((As an American, I can tolerate this Australian novelist’s portrayal of us, because there is truth in jest.))

Yes it does! I have been here over half a century. Makes me wonder why. I suppose it must mean I lack the good sense to know any better. However, I am planning to remedy this as soon as possible. I can tolerate the cold less with each passing year.


Move to Sarasota. The Gulf of Mexico is a bathtub.



You caved pretty quickly on the apostrophes.


Not on my blog though. Hey Im a pleaser, what can I say lol.

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