Sky Blue White Clouds #34 Rice Field Cot Batee Bireuen [Bilingual]

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

**Two Languages English And Indonesian**


Good evening steemiant ...

Still with my post about the blue sky of white clouds, which previously posted Sky Blue White Clouds # 33 Rice Field Lhok Awe. If friends have not had time to see my previous post, my friends can click the link below.

Selamat malam steemiant...

Masih dengan postingan saya mengenai langit biru awan putih, yang postingan sebelumnya Sky Blue White Clouds #33 Rice Field Lhok Awe. Jika teman-teman belum sempat melihat postingan saya sebelumnya, teman-teman bisa klik link dibawah ini.

On this occasion the blue sky of the white sky was so beautiful, this white cloud of blue sky I caught in the rice field Cot Batee. The weather is so brilliant that the blue sky of the white sky has its own motif.

Pada kesempatan ini langit biru awan putih begitu indah, langit biru awan putih ini saya abadikan di persawahan Cot Batee. Cuaca yang begitu cerah membuat langit biru awan putih mempunyai motif tersendiri.

Cot Batee rice field is a rice field located on the main road, from the road friends can enjoy the beauty of the blue sky white clouds. As I enjoy, I just stand by the side of the road.

Persawahan Cot Batee merupakan persawahan yang berada di pinggir jalan utama, dari jalan tersebut teman-teman bisa menikmati keindahan langit biru awan putih. Seperti yang saya nikmati, saya hanya berdiri di pinggir jalan tersebut.

I immediately capture the blue sky of white clouds using the iPhone 4s, taking this I do from the front, left, and also back. If friends want to enjoy the beauty of the blue sky of white clouds, friends can see the photo below.

Saya langsung mengabadikan langit biru awan putih menggunakan iPhone 4s, pengambilan ini saya lakukan dari arah depan,kiri, dan juga belakang. Jika teman-teman ingin menikmati keindahan langit biru awan putih, teman-teman bisa lihat foto di bawah ini.

**iPhone 4s**



Beauty Rice Field Cot Batee.

Thank you for seeing my post, see you on the my next post

Wishing you a peace and prosperity.

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Wow! Nice works! Cant wait for your next...

Mantap brader photonya
Sudah upvote ya

bluegreen 🤣 blue langet green blang 🤣 awesome brother

amazing cak

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