Sky Blue White Clouds #14th Village Geulanggang Gampong Bireun, Aceh-Indonesia [Bilingual]


**Two Languages English And Indonesian**

Good night steemiant ......

I want to share to my friends the blue sky of white cloud, on previous post sky blue white clouds # 13th Village Pegasing, Takengon, Aceh-Tengah.Can refer to the link below friends.

Selamat malam steemiant......

Saya ingin berbagi kepada teman-teman langit biru awan putih, pada postingan sebelumnya langit biru awan putih #13th Village Pegasing, Takengon, Aceh-Tengah.Bisa di lihat link di bawah ini teman-teman.

Sunday morning Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia in the rain. Sunday's day where everyone is on vacation, but it's already raining the next morning. About a few hours it rained down, the rain was not swift friends.

Minggu pagi Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia di guyur hujan. Hari minggu hari di mana semua orang melakukan liburan, tapi paginya sudah hujan. Sekitar beberapa jam hujan turun, hujannya pun tidak deras teman-teman.

By noon the weather in Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia again shone brightly. I went for a walk, arrive at the village of Geulanggang Gampong. I see the beauty of the sky is very bright, the blue sky is so beautiful white clouds

Tiba siangnya cuaca di Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia kembali bersinar cerah. Saya pun pergi buat jalan-jalan, setibanya di desa Geulanggang Gampong. Saya melihat keindahan langit yang sangat cerah, langit biru awan putih yang begitu indah.

I immortalize the beauty of the blue cloud of white clouds with the iPhone 4s, the place was very quiet. But, the air is very cool indeed kitabrasakan. This is the blue sky of white cloud that I managed to photograph, see photo below.

Saya mengabadikan keindahan langit biru awan putih dengan iPhone 4s, tempat tersebut pun sangat sepi. Tapi, udaranya sangat sejuk sekali kitabrasakan. Inilah langit biru awan putih yang berhasil saya fotokan, lihat foto dibawah ini.



The beauty sky blue white clouds village Gelanggang Gampong

Thank you for looking and reading my post, see you on the my next post

Greeting prosperous and peace from me.

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