detalhe do jardim – garden detail

in #photography5 years ago pequenas flores cor lilás e bromélias ao fundo.


...with small lilac flowers and bromeliads in the background.

Todas as fotos deste blog são feitas diariamente por mim usando um Iphone 5s

All photos on this blog are made daily by me using an Iphone 5s.


medite com as flores e seja feliz

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

ótima foto, adorei

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

good work

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface


Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

bom trabalho meu jovem

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

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