God helps who are diligent and help themselves 天道酬勤

in #photography6 years ago


Today I was on business and on the way I went to see my best friend . We haven’t seen each other for a long time because everyone is busy . We had a chat for everything like the usual life , our children’s education and their future life , we also talk about our funny things in life . It’s really happy to chat together.

During our conversation, she told me she had raised a beautiful flower called dragon pearl , but I also gave it a name that is the lantern flower . Aren’t they like the lanterns ? It's the first time I've seen it. It's really beautiful. The white lanterns with the green leaves, a pink flower in the middle , so amazing . I was shocked by this little beauty flower, and I fell in love with her. My friend said, if I like it, I can take it away. How can I take her favorite? So she said she will give me one later.



She said this flower is easy to plant, as long as I water it once a week , it will grow well. The flowers are also gorgeous that it attracts many people to watch it every day.


In fact, saying is easier than doing it. I think it is her diligent and hard work can make the flowers beautiful . So I think it is still that sentence, “you will be successful as long as you do hard work. otherwise how could there be a pie in the sky? Even if there is a pie, it can't hit on your head without hard work.


So I want to say that if you work hard, you will get something good in return. By the way, the price of steem has fallen a lot more recently than before, and the account has lost a lot, but everyone should not be disappointed. The rising and falling are normal. As long as you treat it with your usual attitude and pay your efforts, I think there will be a very good ending at last .


其中她给我看了她最近养的小花,这个叫龙吐珠,可我看了, 觉得叫灯笼花还差不多。这花我还是第一次见,真的好漂亮。绿绿的叶子上,配上白色的灯笼一样的小花,有点像小时候家里种植的姑鸟。白色的灯笼里开着粉红色的花心儿,白色配分红,煞是好看。我被这小小的美人花惊呆了,一下就喜欢上了她, 朋友说,如果我喜欢的话, 可以拿走。我哪能夺人之爱呢,于是她说,等有时间给我弄一棵。

她说这个花好养活,每周浇水一次就可以了, 适当的施肥,这株小花她虽然也很关心, 但是也没有多么特意的养它,然而竟然长的这么好,也出乎她的意料。花开的也艳丽多姿, 引来无数经过的人来观看。

其实她说的很轻松, 但是我觉得凡事都的付出辛苦的努力,没有辛勤的劳动,天天精心的施肥浇水, 怎么可能长出艳丽的花朵呢? 所以我想还是那句话, 天道酬勤,每件事,只要你付出辛苦的努力,才能有所有收获,否则怎么可能有天上掉馅饼的事情呢? 即使有馅饼,你不努力,也不可能砸在你头上。

所以我想说,如果你努力付出了, 会终究有所回报的。顺便说一下最近, steem的价格照比之前跌了不少,一下子账户缩水了很多,可是大家千万不要灰心啊, 涨跌都是正常的,只要你以平常心态对待它,付出你的努力,我想最后还是会有非常好的回报的,希望steem 经过平台期后,还能重振雄风,再给大家一次华丽的转身!


It's hard to find people who do not love flowers. Nature lovers just love flowers.

The flowers are the most prominent in giving gifts to loved ones. On any given day, the style of giving flowers to loved ones is very old. Moreover, especially during the festival days, young people love to decorate with flowers.

thank you for your comment .

Read my profile if want me to resteem your post to over 72,500 followers. @a-a-a


how nice it is <3

For me to plant and care for that flower is a work of art, that takes time and dedication, that flower is beautiful, but I say that things with love and passion can be achieved, and of course God helps all the faithful.

thank you for your coming .

beautiful flower, beautiful we can see because it grow very fertile,☺️


你真细致, 敬佩你好学的精神呀。

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