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RE: M a c a u - through my lens

in #photography7 years ago

Really great shots and story. I think you've got the mix of text and photos right.

I started with a series on Portugal (15 plus posts so far) and they were about 800 to a 1,000 words with just a few shots, but the intent was to guide (mostly) North American visitors wanting a long-stay in the Algarve for the winter. But posts like these take a long time to write.

Now I'm doing a Tahiti-Australia-New Zealand series covering our 90 day roadtrip, heavy on photos and less text. Easier to write, and readers like them more because of the visuals.

Haven't been to Macau but your post gave me a really good sense of the place. Keep doing what you are doing!

PS - glad to see you are using worldmap - I think it's a great app and have been helping the developers with some testing.


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback and personal experience.
I've been testing various "strategies": few good photos + little bit of writing, lots of lower quality photos + more writing... but I think any tactic to obtain more exposure when you first start on Steemit is a bit pointless and often discouraging .
I think once you get the ball rolling it may be easier to relax and take less time writing blogs. The more blogs I write, the more comfortable I get, the more I figure out the type of blogger I want to be.

In any case, I'm enjoying the process and learning a lot about coding which is an entirely new world for me. So even if I get bored of Steemit somewhere down the road, I will at least have acquired a new skill :)
Thanks again for the encouragements. And yes, worldmap is a great little app - very cool that you are helping the developers with it!

Glad to help you, a few folks helped me initially, and are still doing so. Getting involved in the photo challenges and contests is a good way to meet like-minded people and get some 'exposure'.

Check this link:

There's other stuff out there too, if you look through your feed you may see some you want to participate in.

If you come up with any interesting strategies let me know!

Thanks for the pointers. I've entered a few contests recently. There are so many! Mainly for the exposure aspect, as you mention.
Keep you posted on any sneaky strategies

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