Chemtrail? Contrail? Stratospheric Aerosol Injections?

in #photography5 years ago

I took these photos from my front porch and I am a little confused. I don't take to the theory that we are being sprayed but this had my eye brows raised. I have planes fly over head all day because I live in the area that some say is not the best, I think I am starting to believe them. I was watching the planes over head and I seen two path cross, X marks the spot. So I pulled my camera out and took some shots. No big deal, not until I looked at them on the computer. The earlier trail had the other planes trail cut right through. But for some reason the other trail looked funny and didn't last that long. It even looks different than the other. The older one looks like a trail of something suspect, while the other trail looks like a normal cloud or trail from a plane. I tried looking it up on the internet but misinformation is rapid and everything is shunned away and pushed of as conspiracy? Which doesn't help the situation and after reading the stuff they let you look at on google I think I believe they really are spraying us. These photos have me a little shook, not gonna lie. I will be taking a few more shot to get more info but does anyone out there have any info? What do you guys think?
The first shot is a zoomed in shot but you can see the difference. One is literally a trail that looks like it is made of chemicals and the other looks normal...
Blue sky and the crazy x.JPG
The older one made a funny design as well once the other plane ripped through it making the cloud take an interesting design and shape..
Blue sky and the x.JPG
This is a random prop plane that was in the area. I don't normally see these. Most of the time it is standard commercial airlines that make the pass. I honestly thought it was a cool looking plane that is the only reason I took a photo of it. When I was taking the photos I thought it was just planes and clouds having fun....
Blue sky and the x clouds with a plane.JPG
I did come across some interesting things about how Saudi Arabia is making clouds and seeding the sky with clouds to bring rain so I know it is possible to mess with the sky. I have even seen people talk about a new system them may want to try to compact global warming. Just more red flags for me honestly. What do you guy think? Anything helps....

  • Photos shot on my Nikon d7000 | @ SLC, Utah

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