Prague XIV -- A Few Random Shots

in #photography7 years ago (edited)
I have always been of the philosophy that good pictures speak for themselves and that good writing keeps things short and simple, but some of you on this platform (@jasonshick, @awokentolife, and @littlenewthings) have asked for more info on my trips and my time there -- what I saw, what we did, etc. -- which is included in my previous posts on Prague. Apparently, however, going back and reading what I have written about this trip in previous posts can be too much of a hassle for some, so I will try to be informative, while keeping it brief and non-redundant here.
I live in Bulgaria and have done so since I served in the Peace Corps here in the early '90s. Along the way, I have had many friends move from here in search of better financial and job security. One of those friends -- Chavdar -- is a former guitarist for one of the biggest Balkan hard-core groups, Last Hope. Well, when he moved to Germany (Regensburg) with his new bride, I decided to go visit him with another friend of ours, Michael. Once we arrived in Bavaria, we spent a few days tasting the beer and sight-seeing. Then, we hopped on the train to Prague.
I had been to Prague before, but I did enjoy going there with friends and walking around the city taking photos, etc. The following few pictures are from one of those walks, in which we started from the new town, crossed one of the bridges into old town, and continued our sight-seeing there (and -- very importantly -- had lunch ). Please forgive me for not giving more info about each of these pics, but it was years ago, and my memory has faded.

First, we have an overview of the city from one of the higher points there. You can see the cathedral and the TV tower in the distance and a few nice buildings closer up:

Next, we have a zoom shot from the same location. It's kinda fuzzy, but the zoom on my camera didn't do too bad of a job, I hope:

This pic is some of my minimalist work, which I enjoy doing very much:

And as a bonus, another surrealistic or minimalist shot:

Keep tuned for more insanity and depravity ;) Hope you like!


Excellent bonus shot and a selfie to boot! I am still trying to figure out what I'm looking at and even flipped my laptop upside down to see if that did not. Nice work!

If I had wanted you to see it upside down, I would have flipped your laptop myself! ;) Thanks for the encouragement!

Just wondering, would this flipping of the laptop been done telekinetically? That would be amazing!

Just you wait and see! :D

I will wait with anticipation!

Beautiful shots!

Why, thank you!

Thank you for sharing <3

I enjoy sharing :) Please feel free to check out my other posts for more strange(?)/interesting(?) pics! I don't know how to describe them, except as "mine." :D

Hey Brent just reaching out to you I live in Bulgaria too I moved here a few months ago what wonderful pictures I have never been to prague thank you for sharing.

That's awesome. I love meeting other expats. We should meet some time with the other steemians here!

yes I agree a steemit meetup in Bulgaria is definatly a good idea.

A few of us met a couple of months ago. We can definitely do so again! You might want to join the BG community at We organize meet-ups there :)

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