
I'm glad I discovered your posts. I am now a follower. I would love to see the stories of some of these ruins and architecture. Or if you don't know their story, the story of why you feel compelled to photograph them!

Also, I'm trying to build the #hiddenplaces tag. Ruins certainly fit that motif

Welcome to the fold! As for the stories, I am compelled by the beauty I see, and I prefer to let the pictures speak for themselves :) But since you ask, on this particular trip, a friend and I decided to visit our buddy who moved to Germany. He took us on an eventful bike trip up to see the ruins. I'm just glad to have had plenty of views to capture. Thanks for the interest!

That has European and Asian architecture mixed into one! Nice post

Thank you, sir!

That has to be the most bizarre hodge-podge of architectural motifs I have ever seen. It's a chimera, stranger than a harpy...

There seems to be wide range of such "mongrel" styles across Europe. The Slavs seem to thrive on it, as seen in the architecture in Russia and, strangely here, in Bavaria??? One thing is for certain: it catches and delights the eye!


Yes, the thing that I love, about this, is how much it makes me want to hate it.

In the realm of architecture, I am a brutalist. In the realm of design, I am a minimalist (I think the two are more or less the same, with the common tie of utilitarianism). This design is neither minimalist, nor brutal. However, it is practical, so I don't care how ugly it is, if it keeps me dry when I am needing that, should I happen to ever find this abomination.

I love your response, lol! I personally think that "simple and elegant" works best, but I enjoy all sorts of strange combinations of motifs, musical styles, etc.!

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