Hustlin': My New Path in Words & Pictures

in #photography6 years ago


Eiffel Tower - Paris

Since returning from vacation in Paris & Athens five weeks ago, I have revisioned my future.

From the Ruins...


Ancient Ruins - Athens, Greece

2018 was supposed to be a triumphant year for me. After being downsized out of my corporate role in 2013, my personal and financial life took a fairly serious turn for the worse. In 2016, however, I returned to my former employer with the hopes of re-aquiring my previous position. I took a far lesser role just to get my foot back in the door, but alas, it was not to be. Once again, my plans for my future slipped away. It was a crushing, in some respects, infuriating defeat, but as always, I began to formulate a new plan. Get up, dust yourself off, and get back to it.

Less IS More

One of the few benefits of surviving the past several difficult years is a new outlook on consumption. Having to do with less has brought about a surprising appreciation for less. I live simply. I eat simply. I do not desire fancy toys. I buy used (but excellent condition and stylish) clothing. I allow myself one night out a week, and I enjoy it like it's a vacation.

This rather spartan lifestyle creates stability and a heightened appreciation for what I have, but it's not going to drive my personal savings or fuel my longer term goals.



Parthenon - Athens, Greece

The more immediate challenge, though, was complacency. No longer climbing the corporate ladder, no longer busy raising three lively young women, I found myself bored, unchallenged, and wayward. I was wasting a lot of time in my pajamas in the morning. Staying up too late at night. Drinking more wine than I ought to. (Debatable.) For the first time in my adult life, I was bereft of purpose.

I am an extremely Goal Driven person. When I have a target, I am rather maniacal in my pursuit of it. When that direction is missing, however, I can be a pretty miserable individual. And for the past three or four months, Miserable Me has been just that. That's not to say that I don't appreciate my life and all the good things in it. I do! It's just that when I have no roadmap, I usually end up in the ditch rather quickly.

I began to consider what my current assets were, how I might add security to my future, and what I wanted to do with myself for the next decade, or two. Each question relates strongly to the next, and all three beg the question: What's the plan, man?

Here's what I know about myself: I love to travel. I love to teach. I love to write.

Here are my challenges: I have financial obligations. I have no plan. I'm have too much time on my hands.

It's time for action.

The Path To The Future


Île de France - Paris, France

I decided what I needed to do was to leverage my free time to earn more cash, eliminate my lethargy, and drive my future ambitions. I need a side hustle - a second job - to start moonlighting. And no term was more indicative of my side hustle than moonlighting!

Since mid-April, I have started driving with Uber. I focus mainly on weekend evenings, but I do drive on my two days off, as well, if there's sufficient demand. Where I live, there is a vibrant downtown full of restaurants and bars that attract tourists and locals, alike. And not more than 15 miles away, a large college campus fun of pedestrian students. The demand for ride share is pretty high.

I'll typically start driving after work on Fridays and Saturdays at 10 PM, and keep at it until the demand does off around 2:00 AM. If I'm not working on these days, I'll start driving around 2 PM and go all afternoon and evening. So far, the results have been terrific!

I'm using the majority of the extra income I'm earning to pay off debt. This rest of the excess cash I'm plowing into savings, both long-term savings and a separate account for travel. I have a solid plan to eliminate all debt, including my mortgage, in four years. This will put me in position to move forward with my long term career goals which I will post about in the near future. And they are ambitious!

For the present, funding personal travel is a big part of why I'm working a second job on top of my 50 hour work weeks. I intend to take major three trips per year, and post about them here on Steemit.

Vegas, Baby!


Venetian Hotel & Casino - Las Vegas, Nevada

In just 24 days, I'm taking my first trip to Las Vegas in almost five years! Prior to the calamity that was late 2014 and all of 2015, I would visit Vegas two to three times per year. Being away has been as symbolic of my travails as anything in my life. My return in just a few weeks feels like redemption. I know that this trip will be sweet for so many reasons, and that I will appreciate Sin City like never before.

Future travel plans include: California in the fall of 2018; a return to Paris to visit my daughter in Spring of 2019; and a trip to Wine Country in Chile & Argentina, perhaps in early Autumn 2019.


Western Colorado

Finally, with greater clarity than ever, I am now pursuing a dream career that will combine my aptitudes and appetites. My focus over the next twelve months will be to launch myself onto this track and cap off a rather improbable career and life story. It combines my love of travel, teaching, speaking, and challenging myself to be different and to follow my own path, no matter the circumstances.

I look forward to sharing this new endeavor with all of you soon!



All images are my own, taken on location.

This is fantastic mate! You're working so hard. It's great that you've found a way to fund the things that you really want to do while also paying down debt and saving money.

I've been dreaming about going off grid and focusing on crypto full time. That would take some time to achieve however so for now it's business as usual, quite literally...

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