Monday Missions entry ... IN THE P - WORLD

in #photography5 years ago

It's early morning in the P - universe, a parallel ... and quite similar version of our world. PIGEONS are resting on wires and various architectural elements around the city, called Pula - ah :) what a great P - name for the setting.
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Soon a good, old man arrives on the scene ...
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... and PIGEONS are swarming in feeding frenzy ...
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... while down in the PORT ... the fishing boats are floating in meditative silence.
On the other side of the world, I saw some lovely PEOPLE made of pure plastic, posing for a group photograph with a dead celebrity. Ah, look at all the lovely people ... Where do they all come from? Ah, look at all the lovely people ... Where do they all belong? :D That's how Eleanor Rigby sounds in this version of reality. Meanwhile ...
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... a P - version of me was sewing a PATCH on his ... I mean - my ... old blue jeans ...
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... as always in all parallel worlds of the whole damn multiverse - surrounded by cats.
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When I got out of my P - house, the POPPIES were in bloom and tall grass was spreading until the horizon ... and probably even beyond. When I entered again ...
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... I found another, a bit younger me ... he ... I mean, me ... I ....I don't know, this is getting too convoluted :) ...
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... ok, let's say that this other me is he ... so he ... was meditating, while the PEN was drawing his fantasies using my hand as a tool.

And so, here are the six P - things for the Qurator's Monday Mission :) as always in these posts on Steemit, all the photographs, even those with the other me on them - are made by me.


Great, I loved it!
Great P for this challenge.
Happy life forever @borjan

:-) :D - a a - great challenge to keep it creative so even if the cats from the strange bags were treated with a ballpoint pen on the line paper, they pulled and the drawing created

:) I hope to see you in the challenge @denisdenis. I would like to see some cool P - stuff you found at sea.

Thank you @mariita52 :) Happy life to you too.

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