SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #24 - Paths & Roads (Three entries)

in #photography7 years ago

Hi all! These are my entries for SteemitPhotoChallenge of this week

It will be three different kind of roads and paths. I hope you'll like them...

Entry #1 - Old railroad in a snowy night


Do you feel this feeling of loneliness, when you look at this little island of light in the midst of darkness and snowstorms? Especially when the railway terminates in the dark and you do not know what awaits you there...

Entry #2 - Winter path in the city park


In this park all the way around. Despite the impending darkness and the crunch of snow under your feet you will constantly meet strolling couples and the sunset paints could warm your soul.

Entry #3 - The road to heaven


And here you can turn on the music in your car (may be something like "Chris Rea - Looking For The Summer") and drive to heaven.

Nikon D5000 18-55VR

Do you like this post? You can see more of my works in my blog @boddhisattva


Love your work!!! I have to follow :)

Thank you! Glad to hear that 8)

Also, Yes I feel loneliness and a sense of abandonment in the first photo. Awesome Shot!

Thanks! It was not easy to take it 8)

Я ваш фанат! Очень крутые работы!

Спасибо! Очень приятно такое слышать 8)

I really like the 2 snow clad ones. maybe because I don't get snow here.

We have much snow but I dreaming about sun to make some photos, because with grey sky they are not so beautiful 8)

I love the first picture. The snow really gives the black and white photo a nice eerie feel.

Thanks! It was not easy to take it 8)

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