Bee macro pictures (my own photo) / Макрофотографии пчел (мои)

in #photography8 years ago

Today I want to share with you some bee macro pictures I caught in the garden

Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами макрофотографиями пчел, сделанными в саду

Here I caught a flying bee

Здесь мне удалось поймать летящую пчелу


Hairy bee on a pink clover

Мохнатая пчела на розовом клевере


And this bee collecting pollen from white clover

А эта пчела собирает пыльцу с белого клевера


The most hairy instance in a photo shoot

Самый мохнатый экземпляр в фотосессии


This bee is not as hairy and has big eyes

Эта пчела не такая мохнатая и у нее большие глаза


I do not know much about bees. I always thought they were all the same. At least in one region. But looking at the pictures you have taken to see that the bees on them are different.

Я не очень разбираюсь в пчелах. И всегда думал, что они все одинаковые. По крайней мере в одном регионе. Но разглядывая сделанные снимки увидел, что пчелы на них отличаются.

All photo is clickable
Все фото кликабельны

Photo was made with my Nikon D5000 18-55VR
If you like my post, you are welcome to upvote and follow me @boddhisattva

#minnowsunite #steemsquad #giveback


Такие красивые фотографии. Каким фотоаппаратом снимали, если не секрет?:)
Such beautiful pictures

Спасибо! Вовсе не секрет! Nikon D5000

Gotta love the bombus - tack sharp images - impressive!

These are lovely! Macro shots of plants and creatures are some of my favorite photos. Thanks for sharing @boddhisattva!

Yes really great pictures and profile! Amazing shots of the bees. -followed & upvoted

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. You are welcome!

Very nice! Bees are great!

The last picture is a fly, one that mimics the form, behaviour, and colour of a bee. This serves as a deterrent for predators, however it is a lie and this fly cannot sting or otherwise harm anything.

Thanks for the info. You have confirmed my doubts. And I'm glad you like it!

being active in the steemsquad chat channel will help you get more votes

Thank you! I'll join it.

Nice shots! Love the colors in the last one especially. :)

Thank you! I'm realy glad!

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