
Unbeliavable, myself from Russia, could have never thought this could be Australia!!!

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It's definitely a rare thing here, especially since it's almost spring ^^

I didn’t realise it got that cold in Aus. Amazing.

It's very rare Cams, and it happened 2 days in a row ^^ and it's almost spring.
First day of spring tomorrow :)

Ah, spring. I remember that. Autumn here, my favourite season. Looking forward to some cool days, autumn colours and, hopefully, some hiking with my tent.

You have penguins in Melbourne ~ they probably loved that it's cold right now.

Yes, penguins on Phillip Island :)

If you hadn't titled your post as such I would totally have believed you were sitting in a swimming pool taking photos upwards XD

We've had a couple of mornings where ice had to be scraped off the front windows of cars but not by me as I'm not getting out of bed when it's that cold XD

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So who is your ice slave? :P

Ice doesn't hang around here long XD The extremely rare occasions we get hail it's icy for a few seconds and then melts after hitting the ground (and only the ones that were bigger than peas to begin with make it to the ground as ice) so scraping is only necessary if you're in a hurry. I almost never need to go anywhere early enough that thee would be lingering frost XD

Had alot of peaple here in Tasmania clearing ice from there cars this morning.

I hear it snowed in Hobart yesterday?

Very likely as it has been very cold here the last few days.

(Sorry about not being able to upvote. My VP is quite depleted now.)

Cold weather in Australia does not surprise me at all. Isn't Melbourne at the 40th southern latitude or something? It isn't any further from the south pole than NYC is from the north pole. It can get quite cold in NYC in the winter. I wouldn't be surprised if the temperature dropped below zero even in the centre of the continent in the dead of the winter at night.

Wow, that's really interesting, because it never snows here in Melbourne, but you guys get snow in NY.

I don't live in NYC. :) Anyway, Melbourne does have much lower seasonal variablity than NYC. Interestingly, while the January and February heat records are about 45-46 C, the record lows of the same months are about 4-5 C. Apparently the direction of sustained winds can make an enormous difference.

It is in many cases irrelevant to the latitude. For example 40 latitude climate is not the same as 40 latitude in Montana.

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Sure, there are many kinds of climates on the 40th latitude depending on elevation or whether we're talking about a place in the middle of an ocean or a continent etc. But there are very few, if any places on Earth on the 40th southern or northern latitudes where the temperature never drops below zero. Melbourne has record lows below zero despite the average lows in July being about 7 C. The temperature has dropped below zero even in September at least once.

Thats true.

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