
It is! I've been wondering tho, why dont we see any longer spots, it's almost like they all hit the moon 90 degrees straight down

Wow! You're right. It does look like they hit at a 90 degree angle. That's odd.

...and it looks like most of them came from where we are. wonder how the other side looks like

I just did a quick search for moon pictures, and they're all from the same angle as yours is. We must only see one side of the moon from earth. We'd need some satellite pictures of the other side.

yes, we can only see one side. let me know if you find a true picture of the other side :)

Here it is! An interesting article on the far side of the moon (not the album). There's also some close ups of the other side. The craters look much different.

Thank you :) Interesting article. now I want to take pictures of that side :p how 'bout we start a crowdfunder to take us to the moon and back? :p

Maybe Elon Musk will take you someday!

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