Surf's Up!


Surf's Up! in Honoli'i on the Hamakua Coast of The Big Island of Hawai'i

"Surf's Up!" - Little did I know what that actually meant. Sure, someone is yelling that the waves are big enough to warrant leaving whatever one that surfs had been busy doing. For those who spend their lives on the water, in the surf, "Surf's Up!" has an urgency to it that is second to none. But how urgent and important it really is, I only found out when I was sitting on the board 'waiting for the right one' myself. The lake I grew up at and on, 'only' provided wind surfing, but that was stellar, albeit very rare at a time that feels like a thousand years ago. Friends of mine were sail makers and boat builders turning to making sails for surf boards and shaping foam into bulky boards.

It was all swell in a part of Germany that took its affluence onto the lakes. 'Lakes', because there were two of them close to each other. Both provided for excellent sailing and wind surfing conditions. The one I was growing up at and on would even require some human sacrifices every once in a while. Usually, there was one to three fatalities a year from sailing. The majority of them not occurring during the chock regattas that took place. These were generally exemplary in safety measures - with divers and first responders on boats. The lot of the deaths took place when folks took out onto the lake at the cusp of a 'storm warning', of which there were on average one per month during season. It would have to be seen to be believed just how quickly the conditions on the lake would change. From flat like a mirror with pristine wind conditions, to a raging water world that did not take prisoners. When the storm warning went off, the locals knew to get out of there as fast as possible. But there are always some folks, to whom all warnings meant nothing when their bell tolled.

When I arrived in the Hawai'ian Archipelago, this knowledge traveled with me. Although there are many 'things' I have great respect for - including Human Beings - my number one respect goes to the Ocean and after nearly a quarter century of living in the middle of it, to the Pacific Ocean. Given that I could afford to live there again, I would go back to Maui in a whiffy - to be able to sit there and watch certain folks surf 'Jaws'. Alas, I don't see that ever happening again. That train has left the station, when 'investors' took over the islands.

Now, back to the Surfing Jesus, as way too many friends of mine called the person in the above image. And while meant as a joke, there is something to it. When You go 'out there', especially with a large surf's up, You will leave Your life behind at shore. From that moment on, Kai - as the Hawai'ians call the God to others known as 'Pacific Ocean' - takes over the control. No matter how well You might believe to handle Your board, the last word is with Kai. During these times I found out that the attitude the surf crowd displayed on shore was wiped away in the waves. Surfers - especially the ones on Maui - are well known to party like the rock stars they have partially become. It seems to be the only adequate life style fitting to surfing big waves. But all that vanishes when the tip of the board enters the water.

Some people say that surfing is a religion. Worshiping the God Kai - maker of waves. It is therefore, that the Surfing Jesus is not that far off from the actual sacrificing one's own life for something that is greater than oneself. Because out there, the individual is replaced by the waves and the board painting a wake line into the faces of the swell. Nothing else matters then. This is a prime example of Being The Universe - the ego is dissolved in a situation that renders 'thinking' moot. You become Your board dancing on the waves and sometimes You will be dancing without Your board above the waves. Like in the picture above.

Now, as we have looked into this practical aspect of the image, I like to take it to the next level. A much deeper level at that. I chose this image for a very good reason. When You look at it from a higher understanding, it reveals a stark connection to Life per se. Taking it in from this perspective, a number of 'things' become apparent. For one, Life itself is like Surf's Up! It is not a flat, steady line through a segment of time. It is wave after wave after wave. And the excitement of the Surfer Dude/Dudina is reminiscent of the high surf in Your Life. When You are riding what is called 'The Gravy Train' - dancing joyfully with Life in times of high Energy. Parallel to this vibration is the absence of high Energy, the absence of waves that can be surfed. A time without surfable waves - a time in which nothing really goes.

Nothing to lift You up above the normal level of Life. No turbulences, but a flat line of what could be called 'depression'. However, that in itself is also part of waves - as a wave consists of crests and troughs - and when we find ourselves in such a through, or depression, we can be sure that it won't be permanent. It is rather part of the pattern and rhythm of Life - the unfolding of The Universe. In that, the image shows what Life is really about. You may like my take on this, because it is so obvious a reflection of the deeper truth in Life.

Life's Up! is the quintessence of comparing the world of surfing with surfing the World. So, grab Your spiritual surf board and get going if You are not already out there. Being down, to be without funds, to be without joy is just the same as a day without waves. It is then, that You tend to Your board, tend to Your own wellbeing - knowing that the next set will come. That it is not an if, but a when.

Have Your spiritual board waxed and ready - Life's Up!


Life's up in sunny Nova Scotia, having just bicycled through a -11C morning back home after my 4 day caregiving turn with my dear aged Mother.

Sorry for calling, "Shark!", but you would not find me placing one toe in the Pacific now with Fukushima spewing its radioactive death into that beautiful ecosystem. If the Devil exists, it is a Nuclear Industry supporter.

That's wonderful and very noble of You. It seems that taking care of one's dear aged Mother has slid down the scale of what is important in people's lives. I have just finished a conversation with my dear aged Mom via Facetime. She loves to see, even though she would also know using the phone whether things are going well or not.

Shark! Ha, ha, ha! You will love it when I tell You that I was boogie boarding Pine Trees in Kona - West Hawai'i - many years ago and waiting for another set in a deep blue ocean. Then I saw the fin of a large Tiger Shark cruising by. No more then 30 feet away from me. The only thing that came to my mind was "Wow! A Tiger Shark! Cool!" and I told the other guy next to me "Look!" "What?" "There!" "Where?" "A big Tiger Shark!" "Shut up, I don't see anything." Later I found out that one is not to pay attention to a shark in order for the Shark not to be paying attention to You. But I love Sharks. And in all the encounters I had with them - a good number - I was given the impression that the feeling is mutual. :-)

Hope? There is always hope and the opportunity to switch to the point of view of Being The Universe. It is from this perspective, where compassion and empathy kicks in for all those who really don't get it.

Thank You once again. I really enjoy communicating with You. Just layer up on clothing and enjoy what The Universe has in store for You. May it be awesome every single moment. :-)

Every time the air was/is shitty the monitors were "N/A".

The Powers That Shouldn't Be seem the same all over. As the salmon stocks fall to record lows on the west coast of The Confederation of Canuckistan, they have turned their blame on the overeating of the sea mammals. There is even talk of putting bounties on them. Be more convenient than seeing them wash ashore emaciated due to their being less and less to eat in their ecosystem. Kill them while they still have some blubber on those bones. Great idea! 🤨

We are in agreement that it is important to foster acceptance, as there is little that folks like you and myself can do other that help foster a revolution in consciousness. My hope is that Mother Earth will pick up the ball on this one and swallow the monstrosity, hook line and sinker, in one massive molten burp. Anyone with a brain has had time to vacate the area.

The insidious thing is that it is invisible and does not do its real damage until many years have passed. They're growing rice in the district again, for goodness sake! 😱

You hit a nerve there.

It seems my ravings have touched a nerve in both of us. My apologies.

Focusing on the breath now. Thinking happy thoughts. ✌💛

Especially with the current news cycle. No matter where one is to look - there are only discouraging headlines. While the powers that shouldn't be do everything to distract the masses - with considerable success. The mud flinging between ever new factions of humanity keeps the people from looking into the correct direction - upwards, to the top of the pyramid. Although, with all the latest gimmicks and warmed up promises of flying cars and such, most people cannot see the forest for the trees. Real progress is clean air, clean water and clean/healthy food, affordable energy preserving housing, and a sophisticated public transportation that makes the use of cars superfluous.

As of now, I am working on a manifesto for the continuation of humanity. The choices are simple - otherwise mankind will simply vanish. No Intergalactic News will report about the extinction of homo sapiens. All others will simply re-evolve. Only this time, the prerequisites for the evolution into homo sapiens won't be available. It will be Insects that will live happily ever after. Don't You think it's strangely funny that it skips mankind's intellect that there has been a steady reduction in life form size since millennia. Whatever will replace homo sapiens will be much smaller - predictive damage control by The Universe. Maybe humanity in its infinite wisdom can make the same mistakes over and over again - The Universe won't. Can be seen all around us. If people would care to look for it.

Best to focus on the infinite possibilities The Universe provides and to adopt those who are most suited to get us out of the age of egotism and greed.

I am working on a manifesto for the continuation of humanity.

Definitely looking forward to that!

...there has been a steady reduction in life form size since millennia.

This had never occured to me, yet now that you mention it.... 😎

Having had an ant farm as a child my feeling is that they will do quite well. 🐜

Having had an ant farm as a child my feeling is that they will do quite >well. 🐜

Ha! I envy You for the Ant farm! It was my greatest wish for a number of years, but my Mother would not let me get into the house with it. It wasn't for lack of trying that I never had one. She was also not thrilled about my collections of everything that could sting and bite. It was compulsory that I had to empty my bag to reveal what I had scored during my walk back home from school. "Why can't you just play with Lego?" My fantasy loved Lego, but my attention belonged to the Animal world. My admiration has always been going towards Insects and I was considering to study Etymology. Life had other plans, of course. What I have preserved though, is a deep respect for the collective microcosm. And as You said, Insects will always be here. Not in the way we know them now, but evolving out of the many nooks and crannies left behind by homo sapiens, should that one not come to its senses.
Here is one of my favorites. Scolopendra Subspinipes. Even though I got bitten several times, I still revere them. They are most amazing and equally despised. This one is a Scolopendra Mom taking care of her offspring. The little ones are already poisonous, so I had to be careful prepping them for a family picture. :-D Twice a bunch of them tried to run off, but the Mom quickly caught them and stuffed them back under her belly. The 'Mother' principle - not only present in Mammals.

©2005-2012 helena-sophia exel_animals_0070.jpeg

Wow! That is one cool photo! Who would have expected such nurturing from an insect? How presumptuous of me! We humans can be such species elitists sonetimes. Make that most of the time. 😩

Those were my thoughts, too. Even though I love Insects, with some I have a troubled relationship. But I love them all for how extraordinarily they adapted to a niche, or if they have created their own niche. I was so excited about the image that I thought others might be too. So it is available at wiki commons.

Well, the people that run the show can always excuse themselves by stating that they only did what the Bible recommended. To the extend of 'multiply and do as Y'all like. Ripping it apart. Treating other Beings - like Insects - as if they would be disposable statistician for the Human Condition, everything seems only to exist to be taken care of by the collective version of the three stooges.

There were some humorous responses by people whom I showed the original image. Like:
"Can she tell them apart?"
Scolopendra had made herself available for a family picture in Ninoole, also on the Hamakua Coast.

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