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RE: "La Vie On The Rose" - Photography In Red, White & Winged P(r)ose

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Thanks @minismallholding. The velvety texture is delicious isn't it - so nice when subjects allow their fleeting beauty to be captured, and uplifting to have it appreciated :)

I did wonder what the reaction to the insects would be (I loved chasing them with the lens and want to find more and more little creatures to photograph - my fav of the lot is #10 in R+W - looks sci-fi-ish to me!), and sure enough they haven't really been mentioned by anyone lol. I guess you are having 'insect' problems of your own atm and may not be well disposed towards them - also sure I'd have a field day with the camera on the holding :o)

BTW did you notice @haikubot's comment below yours? Turns out your comment fits the 5-7-5 syllable haiku pattern exactly (I counted :).

A warm hug to RTB please.


I did like the insect photos too. I find them fascinating and it's always great to see them captured on camera because it's hard to see them up close without them leaving in reality! Sadly for them, though, the rose outshone them a little more for me.

My daughter, @izzydawn, likes to take macro shots of flowers and bugs, so I must remember to show her this. I know she'll appreciate it.

Yes, I saw haikubot. It highlighted the typo I'd made! Lol.

I'll try to remind RTB to drop by and say hi. Work has been stressful for him of late.

LOL, poor wee outshone insects :)
I had a look at Izzy's blog - nice photos of dogs too!
Hmm, sorry to hear that. I hope the time may come soon when he can experience freedom from this particular obligation. I so want to rid myself of the need to work for anyone - or at all really! Doing something I like isn't work of course, I'd love to make a living off blogging, but it ain't quite there yet. Once crypto shoots it'll be different. Maybe a whole load of us will be able to just drop'll be nice when it happens :D

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