Let's Know The 3 Smallest Chicken Cocks and Incredible Chicken Prices

in #photography6 years ago

Ornamental chicken lover must be familiar with this one chicken. chicken serama almost similar to chicken kate, you can recognize the difference here. Chicken serama is an ornamental chicken that has a special contest, as well as chicken laughs typical of South Sulawesi. This is not because this type of ornamental chicken is like to appear and amaze visitors with a unique and unique style. If you do not already have it, you must know the type and price of chicken serama. Who knows you want to breed this mini chicken type.

Common Chicken Types, Stylish Mini Chickens
In general, the type and price of chicken serama there are three. But now more and more developed new variants of the cross breed chicken serama that produces chicken with diverse qualities. The following are three main variants of chicken serama;

  1. Chicken serama slim type

Type slim type chickens are first serama chickens known by the hobis serama. This very popular breed of serama variety has a well-built posture like warrior soldiers. So do not be surprised if serama also has the nickname as a cocky chicken. If Kate chicken is stocky, chicken body serama slim or slim and ideal like a rooster or a chicken. Only, this serama cock is a tiny miniature.
The proportional body shape of this chicken can be seen from the size and proportions of head, body and leg length. This is very differentiate it from kate chicken which is more likely as a dwarf or dwarf cock. In addition, chicken serama slim variant is also like stylish on board. His upright and puffy outfit will not be found in other types of chicken or chicken. The types and prices of chicken serama and kate are therefore different

  1. Coarse Chicken Type Apples

Chicken type bold or new type of apple introduced and became popular in 2003-2004. The difference with the same type of slim is his chest that really contains and large. Types of chicken rhythm apple when being stout and puffed up the head of his head could be attracted to the back. So if it is observed just the jenggernya seen from the front. The type and price of apple type chicken is no different from the slim type because it is still slim descent.

  1. Chicken serama Type Ideal

This ideal type of chickens is a cross from the type of chicken serama slim and apple. This ideal series has a slender body with a chest that contains just like the apple. But to get the same type of ideal is not easy. In one offspring, no more than 10% are truly the ideal type of serama desired. The rest have dominant traits like apple rhythm or slim serama. Therefore, the type and price of ideal chicken is certainly more expensive.

Of the three types of chicken serama above, this time that often entered and seeded in the contest of cattle chicken serama is the ideal type of chicken serama. This is not because it is a very proportional shape and has a uniqueness of chicken serama in the form of a swollen chest. Nevertheless, in order to get the superior performance quality for the contest, the ideal body shape alone is not enough. You still have to train your chickens to be full of confidence and able to style.

The type and price of chicken serama remains determined not only by the ideal physical perfection. The performance, style and appearance of your chickens on the contest platforms should also be tested. Sometimes, the hobies focus on the physical form alone, but when it is on board the stage of his cocks serama does not react anything. This will certainly reduce the value added chicken serama whose price can reach millions of rupiah.

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