Fall Fun at the Farm: Part 2

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


After surviving the corn maze, we took a fun ride on the tractor's trailers back to the main area of fall festivities!

My wife and I continued our farm journey on the mild and sunny Saturday afternoon in early November. The laughter of children, the mooing of cows, the blasting of the corn cannon...the air was filled with festive farm charm! But what did we see as we meandered around the grounds of this enchanting rural world?

Let's have a look!

As we exited the hay ride drop-off zone, we made our way to the lengthy building that welcomes everyone to the farm. We were on the back end, of course. More pumpkins greeted us.


Back at the main structure, we made a quick stop to see what was inside and we found this nice little rest area. One of the small pumpkins really need to sit down for a moment. It must be hard posing with your friends for pictures all day. Poor guy was probably all tuckered out. Another pumpkin just passed out from exhaustion.

Won't anyone think about the pumpkins??? This is inhumane!


These are a type of squash-gourd.

Fun Fact: Keeping squash-gourds in your house is good for making people think that you're a healthy eater. The shapes and colors can also distract them from the fact that they're sitting on many layers of animal fur stuck to your furniture.


As we walked through a doorway, we saw a room filled with essential farm supplies. First on the list was a tractor, of course. Without that, you're not even a real farmer - you're just a plant and animal hobbyist.


And if you don't have any mini-tractors to go with your big tractor, then you're still a poser.

By the way...did you know that John Deere wasn't actually a deer? That's why he added an 'E' to his last name - to avoid confusion. I'm not sure that it worked.


Back in my day, this is how we plowed 10,000 acres of farmland...in the snow...uphill...both directions...with no winter coats...or shoes. You kids don't know how easy you have it with your clothes and your tractors...


And your electricity. Oh, what's this, you ask? It's called a lantern. No farm is complete without a dusty one of these lying around somewhere.

Fun Fact: Lanterns are the number one cause of barn fires since forever.


This was truly a great find! All of the necessary farm literature to get you started, including information about livestock types, feeds and feeding, animal nutrition, farm machinery and mechanics, and even a veterinary manual. But wait! There's more!

If you look now, you can also see some old Winchester pocket knives! They're the perfect complement for any farmer's library!


As we exited the room, we saw an amazing artist's rendering of some beast that can likely be found in most rural towns. There are many names for this beast, depending on where you live: Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Chupacabra, Yeti, etc.

Pretty frightening, isn't it?


After our fix of fawning over farming equipment and supplies, my wife and I made our way down to the animals. On our way, we saw a bird feeder, which really confused us. Why are they trying to attract and feed birds if they're also putting up scarecrows to keep them away? This seems like a racket for the scarecrow-making business!




This poor thing was the only flower in the field that was still alive. All the others were harvested or brown and withered. Survival of the fittest!


We approached the main animal housing area and saw a few fowl creatures looking to take a bath. The problem was that there was no water in the tub. They must have forgotten about the pond behind them.


Greeting us at the entrance was a trio of chickens.


Once inside, more chickens were excited to see us. I think. It is possible that they didn't care at all.

Fun Fact: Chickens don't care about anything at all. They're soulless beasts.


Do you know what other animal is a jerk? The peacock.

These guys were hiding around the back of the barn. I tried for ten minutes to get a picture of the colorful one but it kept its head buried under its wing, pretending to be grooming itself. As soon as I gave up and put my phone away, it popped its head up and looked around. I hate peacocks.


This little miniature horse just looked so dejected. It seems to have given up on life at such a young age. (I don't actually know how old it was.) Maybe a carrot or two would perk him right up? (I didn't have any carrots.)


This was one of the best parts of the entire experience! How can you not like a rabbit? Especially when they're so peaceful and as adorable as this one?


I'm not sure what the purpose of having goats is, other than having something to mow the lawn when you don't want to do it. They always appear to be a little "sketched out" to me. Why are they always so nervous?

"Hey, buddy. Keep it moving. Nothing to see here."


But there's always one...



That's all from the farm! I hope you enjoyed taking this little adventure with me!

I'm sure we'll be doing it all again next year! Now that the weather is changing and we're getting closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm sure I'll have plenty of festive holiday photos to share. Stay tuned!

All photos taken by me with my iPhone 8.


Image courtesy of @mynameisbrian


I recently discovered the pumpkins at an exhibition. I had no idea of their variety of shapes and colors. The farm is just as it is seen in American films ...

You don't have farms like this in Italy? And no pumpkins??? How do you even survive over there?

In a world without pumpkins .... but with so many peacocks

That’s because it’s not a photo. It’s my interpretive art!

Interpretive? I bet you're part of a synchronized swim team, huh?

Oh, no! d0xxed again!

This is amazing! The Farm and Corn Maze we were at, has all the same features as the one you were at! Gollee!

That Billie Goat sure gets around. I'll be t he goes on tour to ham it up for the cameras - and that probably makes the pigs mad.

Do you think these animals are on steroids? I don't know. Those squash in the opening photo look unreal too. More GMO's?

What is this world coming to? LOL!!

All of the same features? What are the odds???

Yeah, the world is pretty messed up. Good thing lots of smart people are going to tell us what we can and can’t do with our stuff and our lives! How could things possibly get any worse?

Yep, we're at the nadir :)

Good post and great pictures again. Loved that first picture... that is some talent!

Yeah, I’m really talented with Photoshop filters. I’ve studied for years to get this good.

Ha! Well, now I know your secret!

Please don't tell anyone! I'd hate for my readers to find out!

Some already know.

I love to visite farms and see everything that comes with it! The animals are, for me, the most fun part! The goats..... I have no clue why one should keep them but I sure would because they are like amazing!
Great pictures and amazing post!

Snek hugs

That was so insightful and realistic I felt like I was there. I too am sharing your disdain for the colorful peacock now.

I’m going to start a peacock-hating trend. Please use the hashtag, #peacocks-suck.

We couldn't afford snow.

Could it be that one photo, most likely one of a fit and survivalist flower, is missing?

Snow is free...if the gods don’t hate you.

Flower photo fixed.

great photos, those yellow and green pumpkins wow. thanks for the tour.