I Almost Got Mugged And I Had A Package Stolen

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Last night I stopped at the store on the way home. Outside of the store an individual approached me by brushing up against me and trying to snatch my purse, out of instinct I kicked him (ripping my skirt in the process) and I think this startled him and he dropped my purse and ran. No one outside the store ran after him or called for help. Thankfully a store employee was standing outside and saw everything, she called security and they in turn called the police.
During the wait time for the police to arrive I recalled the man had a small knife, this was verified by the store employee. All that could go through my mind is it could have gone horribly wrong. What saddened me even more was thinking that no one tried to help, and they all disappeared after. If it wasn’t for the store employee would anyone even believe me?

I honestly thought I would be a total mess crying on the way home, but I was so angry. And at the same time grateful, grateful he didn’t hurt me. Grateful that I was able to drive home in one piece.

Upon arriving home, all shaking like one of my chihuahuas, I checked to see if a package I had been expecting had been delivered. It said it had and had been hand delivered to an individual. I think it may have been delivered to the wrong address but how dishonest for someone to accept a package that’s not addressed to them. It was a $400 small purse inside, I don’t think I’ll get it back. It was a gift for my mom. So here I am now filing a claim.

And at this point I think I honestly want to cry.
I’m wishing you all a beautiful day with zero of my disappointments.



Sorry that you had to go through that, and Im supper happy that nothing worse happend to you! Not sure what I would so without @artedellavita on Steem. I saw in a reent response you dont have a camera, I have heard Ring is a good thing to get..

Thank you, I don’t wish this on anyone. My security company offers security camera services, I’m definitely going to inquire on it ASAP! Thank you for your concern

I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! I'm glad you are okay. I remember in 2016 being 7 months pregnant and hearing someone in the kitchen thinking it was my husband. I was laying down from feeling sick. It wasn't my husband but someone robbing us. A year later a man broke into my grandmothers house and beat her up and robbed her. She passed away from her injuries. I have severe PTSD now. Like @magic-sasquatch said, I set up a camera system which makes me feel way better. They are pretty easy to set up. You just plug it all in and mount your cameras. There are so many horrible people in the world. I hate feeling violated by those who want to take what I have.

I am so sorry to hear about this happening to you and your grandmother. It breaks my heart and makes me so sad and angry. I called my security company to have one installed. I never saw it as something I needed, I guess I was just too trusting. Hugs sweet friend and may we all be safe.

Your anger is justifiable, but that thief only does this because of his poor choices.

It's nothing personal, really.

@marxrab and I have a nice home camera system that wasnt too expensive. The video is high quality and it records everything. We would definitely give you more info about it if youd like (she knows more about it than I do). And sorry to hear you had such a bad day. Glad you made it thru the one awful experience, and I hope you get your package back.

Thank you friend, it's such a horrible thing to have to go through. I have to concentrate on the good- that I came out unscathed.

Thats right, at least you came out of it unharmed physically. Thats definitely something to be thankful for at least. But it does sound like the whole world had it out for your purses.

Of course, wearing a go pro isn't an option.

And it's unlikely I could wear digital glasses because Intel hasn't reached that level of micro-miniaturisation.

You showed that violent klepto and apathetic sheep whose Boss.

Fuck yeah.

Haha well put my magical friend!!!
Hope you are having a lovely LA evening <3

I'm not just happy for that nothing happened, i'm happy and you should be proud of yourself because of how you acted, its not easy act when violence is close and you did it, it was not the destiny who helped you, you were who acted brave and made that shit of person ran away.

Cheeersss and big huggggg!!!

And yes... you have 400$ less but... i'm pretty sure your sicilian ancestors are proud of you too for knowing that sicilian blood still runs in your veins... take care try get problems a sicilian (tarantella sounds in background) :-)

Thank you ever so much for your uplifting and kind words, :), I know somewhere my nonna is smiling (while dancing the tarantella)

Glad you are alright, I've been so wrapped up in my world, I forget how rough it can be. Stay safe, and use tour best instinct. Generally purse snatchers only carry a knife to cut the strap off the purse, rather than any bodily injury. It's a cowards crime.

Thank you friend , I hope your works remains pleasant, I wish for a better world for our kids. Hold them extra tight everyday and give them a big hug from their Steemit aunt Vita ☺️

Will do❤️

that reflex...your innate primordial ability in that present danger was firing. Glad your ok. =)

Thank you soooo much for your kind words!

oh shit. Should have kicked him in the balls as hard as you could. Good it didnt turn out worse.

I have no idea where I kicked him just glad I did and glad it didn't turn out worse!

It sounds like you handled yourself well and things could have been a lot worse. It's a shame more people didn't respond - everyone is so self-involved these days and unwilling to take the responsibility of being a good citizen.

And best of luck with the package. I've found that UPS are usually pretty responsive with these things, but that doesn't do anything to compensate for the frustration and trouble you've got to go through.

Let's drink to a better day tomorrow!

USPS has been very helpful. Hopefully they are able to find out what happened. Thankfully the package was insured.
It's a shame people are so selfish, where are all the heroes and cowboys I thought existed? haha I think we have to start looking out for others more.
Cheers and thank you!!!! And I appreciate you stopping by my blog!

I’m so sorry that happened to you! I have to say though, you should be proud of yourself for fighting back. Your instincts didn’t steer you wrong. I hope you get your order replaced.

:( Sorry to hear about that @artedellavita and grateful as well that nothing more serious happened! There is no shame in crying, you can let it go, and you definitely feel better afterwards. And actually i think you can feel definitely proud of the way you reacted so quickly and instinctively, fighting back! Be safe, take a deep breath and smile :)

Thank you, I am still in shock. I’m glad he didn’t hurt me but I keep thinking what if he would have decided to use his knife ? I shouldn’t concentrate on the bad things that didn’t happen I know 😞 thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it.

You'll only get stronger 💪from that, and your week can only get better :)

Hugs, thank you!

Good you are ok. We recently got a couple of Wyze cams and they have night vision, motion and sound alerts with a good app. It would at least help at home for sure. Unfortunately personal security is something most people should at least be thinking about and hopefully preparing for.

Thank you, I called my security provider and I I'll be upgrading my package this week, 2 bad things in a row is the universe's way of yelling to me to fix my stuff! <3

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