About My Health

in #photography7 years ago

About a week ago I posted that I had gone to the doctor to have an extensive study. Many of you were so concerned and sent so much love my way it made going through this a lot easier.
Many of you were curious as to what the matter was and so here I am answering that.
A little over 10 years ago I had a cancer scare. I had gone in for my yearly physical and results returned not so right. After tests that confirmed something was wrong and procedures that were on the other end of the happy spectrum, I was booked to have more tests and even exploratory surgeries done. I said no to the surgeries.
I can honestly say it was one of the scariest times of my life, my sweetheart and I had just moved into a new state, my son was younger, and I was away from my family so going through this was not a breeze. I was fortunate enough to have someone so loving and supportive as my love by my side, he really was strong for me and there when I needed him.
The doctors wanted to keep doing strange studies on me and what not and I knew my body was not having it due to the already stressful state it was in so I decided to pursue alternative medicine.
Long story short when I went back in to get tested again everything was negative not a trace of bad cells were found. I had tests done every six months for the first two years then once a year for the following years until a couple of years ago. The test before this one I was told this one came clear I wouldn’t need to go back, sure enough things came back perfectly fine!
I understand alternative medicine is not for everyone but I can testify that it worked for me. But I know what works even better is having so much love and support of people around you and I love my family, friends, and my Steemit Tribe for it.
Our bodies are wise little vessels and the universe has so many gifts for us, nature can definitely be our healer if we just give it a try. I still go to the doctor and I still take prescription medicines when I’m sick but I try to lean more towards what nature gifts us with. It truly is a beautiful thing.

Do you believe in Naturopathic Medicine?


Yes, I don't like doctors. I will look into foods the kill cancers. As a matter of fact they kill the doctors that know how to cure cancer. Look at Max Gerson whom they poisoned twice. The second poisoning did kill him, but not before he got his manuscript out to the public. You can buy that book now. People have been using those techniques with success. Max Gerson died of that second poisoning in 1959. The thing is that Max Gerson knew how to get rid of cancer back in 1928.

Yes! It's like Renee Caisse! I took her tea "essiac tea" which I purchased from the Herbal Healer Academy online and that's what helped me. She too was jailed! It's a shame.

Oh, me alegra ver que todo está bien. Un familiar mío sufrió lo mismo hace unos años y tambien está perfectamente, ha tenido 2 hijos maravillosos y sigue adelante. Tambien le ayudó la medicina natural, que por supuesto ayuda muchísimo, al igual que la actitud con la que se enfrente el problema. Hay un dicho que dice: Que tu alimento sea tu medicina y que tu medicina sea tu alimentación... es una gran verdad. Todo quedó en un susto, menos mal 😊

Hi dear Friend, so glad everything turned out well! I do agree with some facets of naturopathy, it seems to be more prevention oriented.❤️🐓

Thank you sweet friend! Yes, I think a balance of allopathic and natural medicine is better than just taking the chemical way all the time. Hugs and sunshine your way!

Glad to hear you are okay and doing well. I don't always feel doctors and their procedures are best for everyone. I wish more testing would be done on alternative medicines to include that as part of doctors options to patients. Hospitals and their machines and needles are so horrible and painful to go through.Glad you found a treatment that helped you so much.

Thank you, the diagnosis was just as scary as what they had planned to do. Thank god nature was so giving <3

You go girl.

I've spent years following Dr. Mercola and other "alternatives" to the slash and prescription drug cabal that passes for medicine here.

Thanks sweet friend! Allopathic medicine is not all bad, it's just relied on way to much when there are gentler options that are just as effective.

Thank God you are OK! Wonderful! I was an RN for 20+ years and totally believe in natural medicine. I take Moringa for my arthritis and it really works. I am sooooo for alternative medicine and remedies. Thanks for the update. Have a wonderful evening.

Hugs friend and thank you! A chef and RN! Wow, you are a very well rounded gal :) Yes moringa is a great supplement, my mom is taking it and it has helped here tremendously. I am not opposed to doctors but I do believe there are gentler more natural alternatives for everything.

Organic foods and regular exercise and awareness about health makes us healthy.

I'm glad that you were able to find something to heal you, somehow the power of belief can alter the human chemistry, I have no doubt about it.

Thank you friend.
Placebo effects, green medicines, whatever works I embrace.

The first rule of self doctoring is not only do no harm but also to calm down and sit five minutes a day trying to think of something peaceful.

Most Westerners call BS on this but the ones that do have no idea they are gonna die young.

As a practitioner of Astanga Yoga I am totally with you!

The Best doctors ==> Sport, Bio-food,Sun

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