Catching Up!

in #photography7 years ago

It has been a day of rest, soaks in the hot tub, fresh fruit and more rest. After trying to reorganize my pantry I was sent straight to bed as I still have some trouble twisting and turning.
My problem is I don’t know how to sit still.
After rescheduling all my clients I had no idea what to do with myself. I texted my sweetheart and made plans to go see him after his show. We have a super nice dinner date tomorrow so I’m excited for that!
But for now I’m going to catch up on everyone’s blog and see what you all have been up to!

Any fun plans for the weekend?


Well, with this post, its going to be hard, to look anything else!

Lovely Tuesday friend.

"Me time" is essential after the crap you have had to put up with. Like... I got lady problems/relationship drama that has me down, but you have had muggings and car accidents and like doggy drama and then the fires before that. Sheesh if there was ever a sweetheart that deserved a break - it's you.

It's been a rough couple of months, I just realized that today when I had time to think and I broke out in tears. I have a feeling with all your well wishes everything will get better soon. One of the best things to have happened is to have reconnected with my ex husband, my sweetheart. Hopefully the sun shines brightly for me now <3
hugs to you sweety.

Fellini's La Dolce Vita. ;)

Yes, such a beautiful movie!

The photo that illustrates your post as well as the life-style you depict, reminded me of that great movie. ;) Following.

I am flattered thank you.

Que bello descanso amiga, se ve cómoda sus patitas en sus cómodas pantuflas.
Feliz fin de semana.

Gracias amigo, tu siempre tan lindo! Mil abrazos y q tengas un lindo fin de semana, ahorita voy a tu pagina a ver q aprendo hoy :)

Little by little you will recover. keep rest. enjoy the weekend..!

Gracias, I am taking it easy tonight. I hope your weekend is fun and full of good stuff!

Oh my! I just saw that you were in an accident! So glad you are OK! Sounds like you are going through some unpleasant life experiences. You are strong. Hugs and prayers my Friend. Take care of are important.

Thank you my sweet friend, those prayers are much needed. I have a feeling all these kinks in my lifepath will iron themselves out soon <3 thank you

I might go to some Chinese New Year festivities in Chinatown... since that holiday is an influential variable for the crypto space.

I wish you abundance and a great time tonight! Be safe! <3

the post depicts the womanhood and also the luxurious lifestyle you deal with the busy hectic schedule of out life and also the many tiring thing awesome post lastly

This lovely photography thanks for sharing This post..carry on...

Thank you! Don’t forget to upvote!

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