Finnish winter wonderland - Now with some great tit photos!

in #photography5 years ago

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Yes, finally some snow! Usually January is one of the coldest months in the Finnish winter, but now it's been mostly warm, windy and rainy. We've had only few days with little snow, but it all has melted the next day.

Even if you have come here just because of the tits, please keep on reading. This is all important. Actually, it's so important that I'll make a post just about tits after this. I love tits. There's some tits in the end of this post, but more tits in the next post. I'll add a link when it's done.

But let's continue with the story about the snow.

On Sunday morning when I woke up and saw how much snow we had, I knew I had to get out to get some photos. I had to wait until my wife wakes up, as I couldn't leave our son alone and last thing in hell would be to take him with me.


So I had calmly waited for my wife to wake up and got out.
I knew a perfect area to take photos in, as the sun would be rising from the perfect angle.

It was a perfect weather for outdoor photography.

It was a perfect weather for anything.

F*** the weather, it's too good for photography. Not because of the weather itself but...

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It felt like all the people from the whole town had come out the same time. They all wanted to be outside and most likely all of them were on the same area as I was. Quite many of them were taking photos. Why the hell people are going outside just to take some photos? And ruining my photos while doing that?

Damn those photographers.

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I had to get away from all the people so I went towards the shore. Standing in the bushes with no reason could make me look like a weird wanker, but luckily I had a camera with me, so people knew I'm probably normal. Even though I don't usually care what people think about me, in a small town it's easy to get a bad reputation!

"Hey you heard that husband of X was standing in the bushes and looking at older women?"
"Oh my god, that's terrible. You sure? Hope you are, I already posted it on FB."


I took a panorama. I wish I could get this here in high resolution ( 27000 x 5000 pixels) but I decided to shrink it a little bit. I'm not even sure why I'm taking panoramas like this. Mostly I'm doing it because I can and I'm testing the limits of my upgraded PC and the panorama stiching capabilities.

As I told you, we had a really warm January so far. Usually we could walk on the ice by now, on some routes it'd be possible to drive your car on ice. Some people do that.

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But this is the current state of the ice. Even if the sea looks like it's frozen, it's not strong ice. Not on any level. I wouldn't even let a dog go on the ice. Some Finns have already drowned when they've been ice fishing. Can you imagine that?

Every year it happens. First ice and last ice, every year they kill someone.


This is a panorama photo too. No tits yet, sorry. But this is a vertical panorama, only 4 photos this time but something I love to do when I'm playing around. See this Eve? Panorama photos can be fun! Valitse sinäkin pano tänään!


But now we're getting closer to the titties. There's a secluded spot which is closed off from men. Only women are allowed to enter. This is a famous spot for topless sunbathing. And even in this weather, I can tell you, I was able to get some nice tit photos with my tele lens.

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As the distance was quite long and I couldn't get too close to the beautiful tits, I had to hide in the woods and try to get some photos with my tele zoom lens. I wish I had something better than a max 300mm lens, but some of the photos were quite good.

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Oh yesssssss.


I had spotted a group of great tits in the woods. They were a bit further away from the road/path most people were walking on, so I had quite good time to take a few photos of the stunningly beautiful great tits. I spotted 5 of them in total and all of them were moving fast. Not sure if they were looking for food, but they usually stopped only for a few seconds before flying forward.

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Tits come in different shapes. Like this, it's a very round and soft tit. Some really enjoy tits like that, but I hope everyone realizes that not all the tits look like that.

If you've seen tits only in photos, you can get a wrong kind of image what tits can look like. Especially if you've seen photos of only one kind of tits!

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Some prefer more suble tit photos, so I took one in which the tit is partially covered and has a nice, exotic blur. This helps to maintain the long tradition of thinking tits are something mystical.

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But I think tits need to be photographed more often. They need to be shown as they are. The tits aren't just young and perky, but in real life, tits can be hanging too. They're not pointing upwards, but going downwards. On some level, gravity is having it's effect on the tits, but it's more than that.

How I see it, tits can be very different and still are natural and great. They can be in very different positions, tits can move in various ways and tits can have slightly different colors.

It's all ok.

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But life is not only about tits. To make sure I don't seem like a tit-crazed madman, I decided to take a few photos of this random woman in the woods.

I don't even know her.

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I don't know her, she doesn't know me. But in the end, we both might be looking for tits.

Also, I couldn't get a photo of this scene without someone walking/standing there. These were best shots, as there was only 1 person. After her there was a running group of 15 people going through. Before her it was 3 senior people with dogs.

Without tits, this trip would have been without any happiness. With tits, life is better.

I'll continue with a separate post dedicated to tits as soon as I've edited the photos!


Thanks! They're the best kind, as they're bro-tits.

Nice shots of true winter. We we still are waiting for our winter to come.

This post has been manually curated by The PhotoStream team: The Photography Tribe!

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Congratulations @apsu

Thanks! Usually we would have even more snow, but as the weather is terrible we've lost all snow again. Luckily photography is a way to encapture the moments of snow.

Really nice post! :)

Thanks :)

This is false advertising, I want my Steem back. ;)

Pfft. Didn't you see the tits in here?

Now that's a great tit. It's possible that one of the tits in the photos is a blue tit. Sometimes I meet some coal tits too. Not sure how many different kinds of tits you can see in Finland, but luckily the world is full with tits :)

Ah, sorry, I see your tits now. I live in Vancouver where tits are more elusive than other parts of BC. Except perhaps in the summer when they come out to frolick in the park. We have plenty of tits in the islands and also American tits. We're a migratory path, so we get tits from all over. I'm going camping this summer and hope to spot some bushtits here and there. Fun times!

Where is my snow!? It's dreadful in here!

I really enjoyed this post but you need to learn how to avoid people, I could give you some lessons on that, I'm a master of cutting people out of my nature photos so they don't ruin them :P

We've lost all our snow now, did it come to you?

The snow lasted for approx. 24 hours. Goddamit this warm sum... winter? I'm getting confused, as the weather is the same.

You could give me some lessons on how to get people from my nature photos. They were everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

SNOW! I am super envious. I am sooooooooo envious, so envious, snow envious. SNOW ENVIOUS!!!!!!!
ettäpäkutuotanoinniijoo lunta tännekki!

Great tits.
Photos of tits.

No need to be snonwious anymore, as it's all gone already. Kaikki män.

If you haven't peed yet, please, go pee now!

Ei hitto mikä surkea talvi.

This is lit Bread! Some impressive captures you got there ♡

Thank you :)
I have lit the bread. Wait what.

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