Triangles in the Sky part 2.

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

Hey social media peoples. How's it going?

I wanted to touch on the triangles in the sky images one more time.
Unfortunately I'm off to a bit of a slow start today even though I got enough sleep. And... I didn't get much feedback from the images I shared last time so it doesn't seem like there's a lot of interest and I'm just going to quickly cover my most recent thoughts and move on.

I still think there's something special and rare going on with these images. I've never seen anything like it.
I spent the better part of a day looking through all the images and putting red lines where I thought triangles were and I found a ton of them. Not just in the clouds, but also in the shadows as well.

I got a few comments from people expressing similar curiosity and a few who suggested there was something paranormal going on, and then my father gave a pretty strict scientific analysis. Based on my understanding of what he said I think he believes that what happened is that two separate cloud formations moved/floated together to create the triangles.

I respect my father's opinion a lot and he knows a LOT more about weather and the science of all that than I do.
However, after I looked at the 4 images extremely close for hours... I have some further questions.
And maybe he is right, maybe it's as simple as two different cloud groups moving together.

First I wanna say that I looked on Google and found almost nothing. I found one picture that looked kind of similar, except the triangles were more "punch holes" like a triangle ship had flown through the clouds and left a cutout in it's wake.

Virtually nothing else. I didn't look for a LONG time, I could probably find some more things if I spent hours looking. Yet, I gave it a good quick search and the fact that there was almost nothing tells me this is probably pretty uncommon.

Next I want to address my father's position, as I said he might be right. I don't know for sure. Yet, I do think it seems very unlikely for that to happen with even one set of clouds to perfectly line up like that and not be a little ahead or behind, but, I've counted many triangles. Not just one. For example, there's over 40 triangles I counted in the first image alone.

It seems unlikely to me that 40+ triangles would form from two groups of clouds moving together and some of those triangles even have a base to them, it's not just the left or right side, it's the full 3 sides and they line up pretty much perfectly.

I only found one triangle that did not line up perfectly, one of them was incomplete and it did look like two different groups of clouds coming together, so... I mean... Maybe he's right. I dunno for sure... What are the odds though that 40+ triangles formed? That's wild! Whether it's natural or not.... I'm still blown away by what I recorded.

Okay, so.. I think there's two more things I want to cover real quick.
The first thing is... The "triangle shadows". A good portion of the triangles I outlined were not clouds, but, shadows.
At least that's what it looks like to me. I've seen a few of those shadows in the clouds before and me and my father actually even filmed one before in a timelapse for our Sedona jewel In The Desert movie.

I don't totally understand how it works, but, sometimes when the sun is shining through certain clouds it creates shadows which then sort of appear or reflect above the cloud mass. I'm pretty certain that is what's happening here and I actually just saw and filmed some more of these shadows the other day, so I recognize what they look like more than ever.

And this is where I go full crazy conspiracy theory mode, lol... I'm thinking... What could make such a perfect triangle shadow? Could clouds really do that? And I suppose yes, they could. If my dad's theory is right... Those triangle shadows could just be the result of a triangle shaped cloud in front of the sun.

BUT... I personally tend to think now that it is an aircraft or ship of some sort that was creating that reflection. Especially because there have been so many sightings of triangle shaped craft around the world that I think it's one of the most common UFO sightings out there. I think the ship might be called the TR-3B?

I don't think this craft has been declassified yet, however, it's been spotted and reported so many times that I think we can assume it probably is a real thing that is happening and being seen around the world. I dunno how they got the name TR-3B? I wonder if documents were leaked? Or something? I dunno. Though, I think it's a possibility this is what I saw or something similar.

In fact, I think it could have been a TR-3B that flew through the clouds leaving a cutout sort of like I mentioned before and then that cloud cutout could have possibly created the shadows. Just a theory, I have no idea what really happened.

K. I think the last thing I wanna mention right now is... Look at the first image with red lines, look at the triangle I've outlined on the right middle area and look below at all the horizontal lines I added under the triangle... What is going on there...?

There's 5 or 6 or more horizontal lines below that triangle which appear to me to represent the base line of the triangle and to me it looks like there's a row of triangles, 5-6 or more all one in front of the other, but unable to be seen because they are behind the front one. That's what it looks like to me, it looks like there's literally a whole row of triangles, sort of like an echo.

I think that's it for me for now. I'm probably forgetting some things and if I think of anything important I'll make a follow up post, however, for the time being I'm going to shelve this for now and move on to my other projects. It's a curious thing. I wish I knew more, and maybe someday I will learn more about it. I may someday take these images to an expert and have them look at them closer, I'd still like to learn more.

I'm going to post these in order from newest to last and the ones with red line will follow the original.
Also, you should know I used tools to increase the darkness and lightness in photoshop to help bring out and show me all the triangles that I found, so you may not be able to see some of the ones I outlined without putting them into photoshop and doing similar.

PS... I have a lot of messages to respond to sorry if I haven't responded to you in a while. I'm overwhelmed and trying to respond to the things I can soon. Peace.








The Steem blockchain is currently being attacked by a central authority in order to take control of the witnesses. If you are not managing your witness votes, please consider setting @berniesanders as your witness voting proxy by clicking here to help restore the decentralization of Steem.

Greetings @apolymask... Investigating this kind of events in most cases needs a lot of patience...

Saludos @apolymask… Investigar este tipo de acontecimientos en la mayoría de los casos necesita mucha paciencia…

It could also have been some kind of "Northern Lights"...

También pudo haber sido algún tipo de “Aurora Boreal”…

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