Good news for me. :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography8 years ago


This could be amazing news for me depending on how it goes, but.. It's still good news either way.

I asked a pretty big page to share one of my movies and they said yes. :)

I could literally get more views from this one share than I've got on my entire YouTube channel which is at a lil over 3000 views.

Okay so here's a lil more info.. The page is "Visit Sedona" and the movie is the short film me and my father worked on together, Visit Sedona has.. over 100 thousand likes and over 100 thousand followers.

I used to share my images with them and I think one time one of my shares on there got like over 10 thousand likes and hundreds of comments and shares, coulda been more.. But it was a lot!

Unfortunately.. it looks like the Facebook algorithim nerfs messed them up pretty bad too, they aren't getting near the numbers they used to.. They seem to average around like 3 to 4 hundred likes per picture, THOUGH.. Some of them get over a thousand.. And.. I scrolled down to the video that they shared recently that inspired me to message them and.. It had something like close to 80 thousands views all together, and.. Uhh.. Thousands of likes and shares.. So.. The potential is there!

They haven't shared my video yet, but I wanted to ask any of you who may be subscribed or following them, if you happen to see my video posted on there in the next couple days or whenever, please give it a like and a comment! It will help a LOT in regards to the algorithims to get this seen by many more people.

Each like and comment and share.. Boosts that up quite a bit especially on a page with over 100 thousand people following it. And.. When I see it's been posted, I will directly post a status update and ask if people will help a lil bit. But just wanted to post this here in case people see it before I do.. And.. Nothing too ridiculous please, just a couple likes and nice comments to get it in peoples feeds more.

I wish I didn't even have to ask for such, but that's how social media works and it's especially how it works after Facebook nerfed things so bad like a year or two ago or whenever it was that they made their major algorithim changes..

I mean it's sad.. Really.. This page used to get like 1 thousand likes on every single image, and now it's more than cut in half... Sad.. I experienced similar and many other people have too.. Darn those people who messed with the algorithims. -.-

Okay.. I think that's everything for now.. I will post a link to Visit Sedona's page below so you can go give it a like and check it out if you would like! Have a nice rest of your day/evening peoples.

PS I probably should have waited until I built up my YouTube channel a bit more befor I asked for them to share.. But.. I saw them share a video and had a spontaneous thought and got inspired and didn't think it through more and I asked and they said yes.. And.. I'm still super fucking happy about that. :) I hope it goes well and gets like.. At least a thousand or two views.. Or at least a couple hundred, lol.. But.. Would be super cool if it went semi viral and got similar numbers to that other video I saw on there!

Also here's a link to the movie if you wanna check it out.


Very nice video. I upvoted resteemed and shared on FB, Twitter, and Linked in. Good luck.

Thanks! That's awesome you shared on so many different social media! Thank you so very much! :) I appreciate it a lot. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Good luck on your exposure on their page, this is a great video so far, I skimmed through it, and I love the shots, and the lightning storm is truly fascinating and captivating. You and your father did a great job, the music is not too loud and guides the scenery, the sounds of nature are vibrant and upclose, just a great presentation of the beauty of Sedona. Upvoted

Thanks! I hope it goes well. :) And I appreciate your well wishes. Glad you liked what you saw of the video! That's about 5 years of hard work filming condensed into 20 minutes, heh. Though, a couple of those pictures were older.. But yeah.. It's been a really amazing experience I'm glad we decided to go down this path. And.. I hope to go to the film festival again some day that would be awesome.

Thanks again for the thoughtful response and for the upvote and everything, hope you're doing well man!

You're most welcome, you make it easy to compliment and comment with all the hard work you and your father did. It is breathtaking to say the least. Definitely love going to film festivals, hope your next one is soon. I'm doing well, thank you, I hope the same for you as well. I still plan to respond to your other comments, been so busy and just showing my appreciation and give feedback when I have time. Thanks for your patience and understanding

Yeah.. I like it when the work kind of speaks for itself and I think this project very much does. I don't need to say much, but I do hear a lot of amazing feed back. It's very humbling.

Glad to hear you're doing well and no worries aout the comment, I understand. I'm super busy as well and I have someone I need to respond to who I kinda left hanging a while back, which is unusual for me.. But.. Things get a bit overwhelmingly busy at times.. Talk to you later!

What a delightful film! Thank you for the show. :)

I don't do facebook, but I upvoted and resteemed you!

Aw. thank you. :) I appreciate that you enjoyed it and the comment/upvote/resteem. And you're welcome! I'm glad to share. ._.

Nice video. I follow the page now and will be looking out for your video. It will be a pleasure to watch it again!

Thanks for the great comment! Glad you liked it and I followed you back as well! Cheers!

That's a beautiful film! Love visiting Sedona-- been there many times since first going in the late 1980's when my parents were living in Mesa. Watching those storms, I can almost smell the scent of sagebrush after a summer downpour in the desert.

Hope the exposure on that busy channel will do wonders for your own channel-- sounds like it would be really good exposure.

Edited to add: Shared the movie to my Facebook feed.

That's cool to hear you've been here many times and that the movie brought back memories of sage brush and storms! I always enjoy hearing things like that!

Thanks for the well wishes and the thoughtful comment and also for the share on your Facebook! It's much appreciated! :) You seem like a good guy.

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