What You Can Still Do With Old Laptops and Computers

dell inspiron 600.jpg

Found an old Dell Inspiron 600 just lying around in my closet and remembered what kind of changes I was forced to make to it. Because apparently all of these have a shelf life when it comes to both the internet and software upgrades over the years. But that doesn't mean they aren't still usable because I found out that once the main software clocks out on the laptop or computer. We can still use lighter programs like linux as a suitable replacement regardless how old the model.

I was actually able to hard boot a laptop as old as 2003 and used a linux program called puppy linux to keep it running. The only thing is had issues with was the flash player but essentially it could do everything a regular cpu could besides being touch screen of course. Unfortunately, this older model didn't have enough memory to save the software entirely to the hardware so a CD was used and kept instead to hardboot it when ever activated.

dell inspiron.jpg

It is the lightest version of software out there and is a good alternative compared to what options were like let's say windows 98. Cause like no lie, who would actually consider trying to use that in a html5 and css net formatted world?

I just remembered one of my friends online bringing up the fact that one of their old laptops crapped out on them. He was ready to throw it out if there was no way to fix it. I filled him in on what he could do if all else fails but I'm not sure what was the update on that. All I'm saying is that unless your one of those people who worry about radiation issues from old hardware I feel there's really no other reason to get rid of the classics.

If anything I'm sure there's some way to find use of it even if it's just passing it on to some one else who could use it.

Recycling is always a good options as well


Is something like this existing? No, I have real girlfriend. I'm going to meet her tommorow.

So do I and we both try fixing up old laptops together while eating spaghetti...in an alley...like two little puppies...yeah,...you get it ;)

Do you owe a camera?

Yeah, I have a camera. This shot was taken with a phone camera but I have a pro camera as well and will be posting photos today

Are you the oldest of the three?

That's an oldie! I have one too, maybe I'll put Linux Mint on it. See if it runs.

Do you have an update on trying that cause it be awesome to know what was the turn out. I have a weird thing with old hardware being revitalized. Kind of like the way someone fixes up a run down car from scratch, lol. Hope your holidays was good!

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