
Great photo. Love the shadows.

built back in 1971

That phrase made me feel old all of a sudden... ;)

Same thought exactly. I was born in 1973 and starting to feel worn and creaky :)

Great pic too.

😊 @chaomos
A wonderful Vintage bridge

😁 Thank You.
It's not an old bridge Historical bridge
It's Vintage. 😂

There use to be a wooden bridge that we had to cross to get to town and school, it was not covered and went for 2 miles. My Dad would go really fast across it and the car would feel like it went airborne and we would "lose ur stomach" like a carnival ride, and he would laugh at us when we said weee. Today would be his birthday, thank you for bringing that memory back to me.

Wooden Bridges are so cool.
Awesome great memory with your Dad ♡♡
Thank you for sharing it. Love fun stories..

your welcome, I have been thinking of him all day and your post was perfect timing.

Howdy there annephilbrick! I love the construction of that bridge being wood and all, I think it looks great!

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