Color Challenge: Friday Blue

in #photography6 years ago

Blue Sky's over the Winter landscape. A few different pictures I've taken over the last four months.





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Beautiful blue sky! I love the X shadow in the third one.

The X shadow is what caught my eye. I had to take a pic.

hmmm that tree looks like an inverted v... dig that place there just in case there's another treasure there too ahahaha

This spot will be more of a challenge. Under the snow is ice and under the ice is water. 🤔🙂😅
I'm always up for a good challenge.!!

@annephilbrick is that your red house? It really stands out with all the snow. These are beautiful pictures, I love the narlly tree in the first picture

Thank you..!
The red building is a pretty good size barn. It's about a mile and half from me. I pass by it when I go into town.
The gnarly tree is an old birch.

@annephilbrick shucks, I was picturing you living in the red building. old trees have character, I love them, they have weathered many storms.

Howdy there annephilbrick! Very stiking photos here, is the second one your backyard?

Hello...!!!! (:
The last two pictures are are here at my cabin.
The other two were taken about 2 miles away. There's an old farm house and big red barn and wide open fields. Beautiful area. I pass by it when I go into town.

howdy again annephilbrick! Oh I see, that is a wonderul view with the open fields surrounded by forest.

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