The artist will find something interesting and among children's goods
Hello dear friends Steemit! In addition to pencils, I bought in cheap price cheap watercolor children's chalks. I thought maybe this is nonsense, but still decided to check. It turned out that it was a very unusual thing. Over watercolor works can be applied and blurred calmly for an unusual effect. That's how you can find something interesting and among children's products
Привет дорогие друзья Стимет! Помимо карандашей я купила в фикс прайсе дешёвые акварельные детские мелки. Думала, может это бред какой-то, но все же решила проверить. Оказалось, что очень необычная штука. Поверх акварельных работ можно наносить и размываться спокойно для необычного эффекта. Вот так можно найти что-то интересное и среди детских товаров
you are so wonderful andrianna you always share about photos of the paintings you painted you are incredible andrianna
Nice art dear
yeah) hahaha
really good friend, is that for painting. hello must be hobby painting. i want to also paint very nice sign @ adrianna.visit. my blog friends, thanks my friend
Learn and you will
the pencils that children use are good sting.
indeed you are a remarkable artist @andrianna
Good FOLLOW @johansos
Wow greate photos
More photo please! awesome post!
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