I strip myself of all inhibition (nudity) - Me despojo de toda inhibición (desnudo)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

With this set I wanted to express that feeling that invades us when we decide to leave behind certain behaviors or complexes that affect us and give free rein to what really makes us happy.


My model emerges from the water, dressed in white as a sign of purity, with her face covered because she is trying to remove that bandage of her eyes that tries to hide who it really is, who does not let her see beyond. She raises her hands in sign of freedom, to throw off any idea of ​​shame, shyness or rejection to herself.


She is able to remove that old garment, which represents her past. Now she walks the land naked, without a bandage, without fears, no matter what other people say. She embraces life at her best: without inhibitions, without judgments, without borders... only follows her wild instinct and declares herself free from prejudice.

As you will see, I like to do my sets based on themes that affect us as women, in history, in how through the years the role of women within society has changed and despite this, many still suffer from lack of confidence in ourselves.

I seek to teach my models to express themselves as women, not to be afraid of being themselves and to feel good with their sensuality, to understand that exploit our sexual energy should not be something that can be condemned.


Me despojo de toda inhibición

Con este set quise expresar ese sentimiento que nos invade cuando decidimos dejar atrás ciertos comportamientos o complejos que nos afectan y dar rienda suelta a lo que realmente nos hace feliz.


Mi modelo emerge del agua, vestida de blanco en señal de pureza, con la cara tapada pues está tratando de quitarse esa venda que insiste en ocultar quien es realmente, que no la deja ver más allá. Levanta sus manos en señal de libertad, despojandose de cualquier idea de verguenza, timidez o rechazo a sí misma.


Es capaz de quitarse esa vieja vestimenta, que representa su pasado. Ahora camina por la tierra desnuda, sin venda, sin miedos, sin importar el qué diran. Abraza la vida en su máxima expresión: sin inhibiciones, sin juicios, sin fronteras... sólo sigue su instinto salvaje y se declara libre de prejuicios.

Como verán, me gusta hacer mis sesiones basadas en temas que nos afectan como mujeres, en la historia, en como a través de los años el papel de la mujer dentro de la sociedad ha cambiado y a pesar de esto, muchas aún sufrimos de falta de confianza en nosotras mismas.

Busco enseñarle a mis modelos a expresarse como mujeres, a no tener miedo de ser ellas mismas y sentirse bien con su sensualidad, explotar nuestra energía sexual no debe ser algo que esté destinado a ser condenado.

Thanks for your support! Please upvote and resteem if you enjoyed this post ❤
¡Gracias por su apoyo! Puedes darme tu voto y hacer resteem si te gustó este post ❤


Follow @alteregophoto


Beautiful photos. The female body at its best. Probably many who wonder why you manage to take so good photos. What can of cameras do you use? If you like to write a post about nude photography it will be highly appreciated:)

Wow, that's some beautiful photographs!! Can't upvote enough ;)

Thanks, I always try to make the best of each model and make a great photo!

Great post @alteregophoto! :D Hope you will check out mine as well :D

Done, I'm following you. Thanks for resteem my post!!!!!!! <3
I feel very happy to have support from people as kind as you

beautiful imagery, I like it a lot

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