Why not to do Street photography

in #photography5 years ago

Street photography is rather popular genre of photography these days because it doesn't take a lot to go out and take photos of strangers. You don't need state of the art camera or a model. Whether the photos are good or bad is a different question, but today I wanted to write about some ethical principles one might want to set for themselves.

When it comes to law, even though it may slightly differ from country to country, in most cases you are allowed to photograph anybody if you are in a public place (more details in the latest video from Sean Tucker). However, are there some moral standards a street photographer should follow?

I'm not going to impose my opinion on anybody but here's how I approach this sensitive topic. Firstly, it is my decision to delete each photograph a subject doesn't like after noticing me take it or seeing it later online. This hasn't happened yet, but it's a rule I set for myself. On the other hand, if someone recognizes themselves and enjoys it, I'm offering a free print. I never photograph homeless people or other vulnerable categories. I know documenting that part of our society can be important as well, but I'm just not comfortable with it.

Street photography should be the result of your fascination about people, about everyday moments and interactions that are often missed while we are busy worrying about non important stuff. It shouldn't be exploiting of others for selfish reasons.

Instead try to have the clear intention why you are taking each shot, have empathy towards each of the subjects. Don't share photos that humiliate someone or make them look bad. Have the photos be an honorary of life.


I knew as soon as I saw the title of this that it had some relation with Seans latest video (for which ive only seen the title and am about to watch).

I've taken photos of buskers and homeless people but only after offering to buy them a coffee or throw them a couple of pounds in return. Most seem perfectly happy with that.

Haha I've been meaning to share my view on this topic for a while, and got reminded again today by Sean's video. We have the same view which I'm not surprised by cause I've always related to his philosophy.

Yup, like I said I have nothing against taking photographs of buskers or homeless people in a respectable way, even though I personally rarely do it.

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