Walk with me through the streets of Belgrade

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

After a few days of being stuck at home, I managed to go outside today for a couple hours of photo walk. At some point it started raining and with days being so short it went dark quickly so I had to call it the day. Still Iwas able to make some interesting shots. Hope you enjoy.

Photos taken with Fuji X100F


Belgrade looks really a nice city! I love photos, especially the last ones with umbrellas :)

The rain really makes these colorful umbrellas pop. It's so fun to shoot when it's raining. :)

Jaoo, upravo mi je ovo bilo potrebno. Prepoznala sam par omiljenih mesta...o, i kišobrani. Sedeću u Cegeru jednom, voleli smo ih svrstavati u boji. Bože blagi, kako mi je ovaj post vratio puno lepih uspomena! Resteemovaću :-)

Drago mi je da su vas slike podsetile na dane provedene u Beogradu. :) Hvala na divnom komentaru i resteemu!

Molim. I drugi put!

druga i sedma odpozadi su divneee, ali bas bas ^^

Hvala! Interesantni su ti efekti koje farovi i svetlost prave na staklu.

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