15 rolls in 15 days - Day 7 - Shooting street photography with a phone?

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Today I was supposed to shoot another "roll" of street photography for my challenge and when I got there I realized both batteries for my Fuji x100f are dead and no charger with me. Imagine my disappointment. Going back home to pick it up was not an option so after some thinking I decided to shoot this series with my phone (Galaxy Note 4). I had no idea what it is capable of and if it's going to work for street photography. Anyway, challenges are fun so I went with it.

When reviewing the results, I realized that it works fine for stationary subjects and when I'm staying still. Any movement or shakiness in my hands made the photos blurry. Something I'll keep in mind if I ever try it again.

If you have been following this series from the start, you know I have been shooting digital, but with certain limitations to make the experience remind of film photography. Here are the guidelines I keep in mind:

  • Max 36 photos per day
  • Post at least 10 photos each day
  • Turn off LCD screen so not to review images

In the first part of this series I wrote about the reasons behind this little personal project. Mainly, it's to slow down my photography process, think about every composition and to prepare myself for getting into film photography. I'll post my impressions and lessons learned at the end of it.

No mind blowing photos here, but it was fun taking on this additional, unexpected challenge. :)

See you tomorrow :)


Some of them look like postcards.

Yeah, phone format and black and white made it look like that.

Great photos. I like taking photos we people just living their life in the background and the black and white add a little drama to the scene.

Thank you, fellow street photographer.

The third image. Great! Like two paintings in a museum.

Everyone's loving that one!

The pictures look great! I really like the one where there are people eating inside a restaurant . It looks like a natural picture framed sequence!

Thank you! It was a pretty scene and windows made for a cool frames.

I envy the man with the book. Must be reading something truly interesting.

You don't see often someone so immersed in a book. Amazing!
Glad to see you back. :)

wwwww great format to these ones! Love them, you capture street photography so well!

Thank you! It was a very different experience than when I shoot with my regular camera. It was interesting to see photos in this format. :)

Yeah it gives them a movie quality, really cool!

Im curious about the first image, is that a guide dog? I also find the composition to be interesting, I like how you divide the image that shows the contrast of light & dark.

I may have heard this a couple of times before, "the best camera is the one you have with you". Your phone saves you in your challenge. Don't worry you did great in this series as well :)

It's not a guide dog, just a regular walking dog. :D I missed them at the exit of the tunnel so I had to frame it like this. Turned out nice with that contrast.

The quote is 100% true. That's why I always try to have my Fuji with me (it's so small so easy to carry around), but the phone saved me couple of times, including today. :)

Lol, good thing I ask. I almost assume it in my earlier comment :-)

I also prefer small camera, my Sony Rx1r is always in my bag just in case. It's been my gear since I started in photography 3 years ago :-)

You did amazing with the phone camera! I've never been able to take good photos with mine...I have an iphone 5S. Maybe it's old school. :)

My favorite photo?? The restaurant windows....that is very sharp and creative capturing the window frames as a natural frame for the people having lunch.

Looks like the girl in the second shot didn't like having her picture taken....hehe. Cheeky.

Interesting in the last shot that the disheveled guy reading the paper is on a disheveled looking bench compared to the one the couple is sitting on.

The guy walking and reading made me laugh out loud.....I saw someone do this very thing years ago and he walked right into a post. !!!

I was sad to see the photo with people behind restaurant windows came out a bit blurry. But it gives it the old look which I love.

I'm pretty certain the girl in the second photo was showing finger to her friend. :D I might be wrong. Either way, it was in a playful, posing way so I'm more than happy to have the gesture captured. :)

Nice observations about the last photo, a contrast between eras.

Hahaha walking and reading definitely not recommended. :D

Glad you enjoyed the photos! I'm just happy I survived today's challenge.

Super su fotke, treca i poslednja favoriti :)

Hvala, super izbor. :)

Super dupe pics, loving everything about it.... Great job.

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