the beauty of birds love

Maintenance lovebird has a variety of purposes, depending on the owner of the bird. There are only keep for pets only. Usually this is done by the bird owner to seek the senses of peace of kicauna or the beauty of lovebird birds. There is also a preserve with the intention of destined bird contest. Keeping lovebird for the contest has a lot to do, including channeling hobbies, businesses, and finding achievements among bird hobbyists. There are some things that bird lovers should be aware of when lovebirds, such as character recognition, quality bird maintenance, things to be prepared, and lovebird.LoveBird taming also has some basic characters that make LoveBird a much sought after hobbyist. Here are some basic characters owned by LoveBird.Easy to Adapt - African native bird is very suitable to be cultivated in Indonesia considering the climate of origin with Indonesia that is not too frontal. LoveBird is easy to adapt to the new environment. This bird is also known as a tough bird and easily adapt to environmental changes. The adaptable LoveBird character is perfect for bird hobbyists as when switching ownership, the bird's condition is not easy to drop as long as it is treated well. Shooters and Fighters - It can be said that LoveBird is a small bird of cayenne pepper. This is because the singing of LoveBird chirps is hard. In addition, these small birds are known as warriors. If a LoveBird hears another LoveBird bird or sees similar birds, the spirit of the LoveBird fighter blazes. Birahi Tends to Easily Rise - In slang term, this bird is a fast bird "BT". "BT" here is not Bad Temperature, but "High Birahi". This bird is known as the type of bird that is very easy to ride birahinya. There are some causes that can make the rise of lust on this LoveBird bird. Inadequate feeding variations, drying drying, or seeing other LoveBird birds are examples of factors that can increase LoveBird's lust. Easy Tame - LoveBird is much loved by birds because it is easily tamed. LoveBird character who likes to group and likes to interact with humans cause this bird easily benign. In addition, this fast-paced bird is also caused by its high adaptability. Not Easy Stress - Bird enthusiasts certainly do not like birds that are prone to stress when changing hands from the seller. Stress-prone birds will easily become sick and die. However this does not apply to LoveBird. LoveBird is a type of bird that is not easy to stress. If any stress, usually due to careless maintenance such as memeliharnya not in pairs. Because it has a stress-resistant character, this bird is suitable breed in order to propagation of seeds. Enjoying Clean and Cool Environments - This LoveBird Bird loves a clean environment. Clean environmental conditions will certainly show the beauty of feather LoveBird. besides, LoveBird really enjoys the cool temperatures. Environmental conditions that show like this can cause LoveBird not susceptible to disease. Colonies and Flocking Birds - Gathering is the nature of the LoveBird bird. Therefore, LoveBird should not be maintained individually.

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