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RE: Morning Treat

in #photography7 years ago

girl quick!!!!!


- beautiful pictures... I agree with you with the morning light, everything looks so cosy and warm.. and there is something beautiful to waking up to a new day again =) I am grateful for each day! I love how the sheets look like a dress, and how the light casts such a bright glow where it outlines silhouette perfectly.


You sneaky little thing! Definitely got my attention with that one.

I did try to make the sheet look a little like a dress, maybe I should sew something like that :D

Thank you again for your sweet comments :)

Gosh it was greaaat!!! I wont give it away if you havent seen it yet but the next episode is the best yet!!!!

Totally do ... kind of reminds me of a princess in a window tower !!!..

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