When I think of you... a simple dedication to my best friend.

in #photography7 years ago

Dedicated to my best friend Stephen Liam Mantell who passed away 22 March 2017

I have found it takes a brief minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but even after a lifetime you can not ever forget them. Only to find yourself destine to live in the past wishing for what might of could of only of happened.

I love and miss you Stephen Mantell... My lifer, my twin and most of all my advisor and partner in crime.

There is no word to describe my thoughts of you here on this post. How could you surmise in a couple of words that you're thinking of your best friend that you met when we was both 10 years old standing inline out in the hall in front of our 5th grade classroom... The first exchange of words wasn't the most appropriate and was rather obnoxious but yet it lead to the most fascinating durable bond that any 2 individuals could have. I do believe Dr. Seuss said it best "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." My memories of you are now valuable treasures. Sometimes when I hung out with you, I often found myself thinking to myself, "Stephen is absolutely ridiculous." And that's one of the reasons why he's one of my best friends. I loved you like there was no tomorrow and then suddenly there wasn't a tomorrow which has made this the hardest goodbyes I've ever had to deal with. I miss you and it's only been a month and it's been the longest month in so many ways but I do believe and feel you are here with me.


A beautiful view on a long walk to Beit She'arim National Park in Haifa District, Israel. Seeing such beauty causes me to think of you.

Photograph taken and edited by Ali Brauda @ahley

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