The Essential Shot

in #photography6 years ago

Always Carry A Backup

Because even the most reliable camera can fail on you at any time


Why are you looking at a green bottle of carbonated Waitrose water? Good question.

Before I head out on a shoot of any kind, I usually take a few shots to calibrate my camera and lens. It is particularly essential (ahem!) in this case because it was the first time I was to use this lens - the Mirage 135mm F2.8 - on a digital camera.

I usually take shots to test the sharpness at the widest aperture, fall off, colour rendition, e.t.c, and on this occasion I thought the lens performed quite stellar.

On arrival at the scene, I had some time to burn so I scouted some nice locations in the park for the shoot later. I spotted a group of very beautiful green parakeets and decided to grab a few shots.

I reached for my camera, switched it on - nothing. I thought it was out of battery, but the battery was charged to 100%. I swapped the battery out for another one - the same thing. The camera then slowly switched on, but failed to respond to any commands. No idea what happened.

Thankfully I packed a spare camera and a 50mm 1.8 lens as backup. That saved the day

Needless to say I didn't get to use the Mirage (which I had been really looking forward to using), but I'm happy to report that I made do with the 50mm lensed camera and came home with some good results.

So, again, why are you looking at a green bottle? Well, it was the last photo I took with this camera before it died.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.


So basically this last shot killed the camera then yea? Lets's analyse the pic and look for a deeper meaning as to why this has happened..

Another glance at the pic and I think I've cracked it.

"Good quality is essential"... just let that sink in for a minute.

hahaha :P


@adetorrent, For sure your Checking is vital because, whenever we perform something we should do it without any disturbances and if something happens then that gives the disappointment essence. But when we check everything prior to ultimate work then that gives the benefit because in that way we will going to stay top on our work and we can accomplish our goal and while checking if we see any issues then we can resolve their only instead of at work.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

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