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RE: First Experiments With Film Photography

in #photography5 years ago

These are shockingly good for your "first time". It just goes to show that a gerat photographer is independent of the medium.

This is my favourite one. It's 1945, 1920, 1890, who knows?

This morbid one could be in an art gallery

This one has unbelievable framing, especially since you can't preview it first

How are you this good?


wow, that is some praise, you are making me blush! But I gotta admit something about the last image, and some others too, I took shots with my digital camera at the same time so I could see the exposure, so I kind of cheated with some of them. Though it's a different lens and light acts differently on film etc.

Nothing wrong with that haha. People use external exposure meters all the time (as they should). You still have to frame correctly and see the photo in your head first, which isn't easy :) .

So you only lose 0.5% with the "cheating" :)

You've gone from 97% to 96.5%

I am fine with those numbers.

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